Chapter 17

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Louis' POV:

When Adi had first entered into the living room, she had bombarded me with hugs left and right. I was not comfortable. At all. I'm not sure if all women act like this.

Nickie was on the couch watching as Adi was suffocating me with hugs. I had only felt comfortable in Nickie's embrace and that was where I wanted to be at that moment. He was watching intently, his eyes showing a hint of jealousy.

"Get off of him." As commanded, Adi complied right away. "I'm sorry, Louis. You're just too cute, I couldn't control myself for a second." I shook my head. "I-it's okay," I said in small voice. 

I had just gotten comfortable around Bear and Julie and now I had to get used to other people here. My body let out an unintentional sigh. Nickie, still looking at me, lifted me up from the floor into his lap. Adi had followed our direction and started bombarding me a round of questions. 

"Are you comfortable? Do you need anything? Do you want any toys? I heard you were a sub, you're okay with Dominic, right? Is he being mean to you? Tell me what you need and I'll get it to you right away, okay?"

Being thrown all of these questions, only one made it to my mind. "Nickie isn't mean to me. He's really nice." My body relaxed into Nickie's as he began to massage my hips. Adi became aware of our intimacy and announced that she would leave us to ourselves. Finally having some quiet, another sigh escaped my lips. "Did that tire you out, bunny?" Instead of answering, I turned and snuggled into Nickie's chest. Nickie pinched my left butt cheek and I jumped, "Answer with words, bunny." 


"I should punish you for not answering me, huh." This would be my first time being punished since getting here and that brought a wave of fear into my body. Nickie carried me into our room and softly dropped me onto the bed. 

I had noticed that Nickie had a softness when it came to me. When it came Bear or Julie, he would hit them really hard when they were joking around with each other but when it came to me, he would handle me with the most extreme care, as if I were made of glass.

Nickie walked into his closet and came out with handcuffs and a few egg vibrators. "Don't worry, you might like this punishment." His big form loomed over mine as he began to cuff my wrists behind my back, laying me on my face and prepping my entrance. He squeezed some lube onto my hole and entered two fingers. 

"You're still so tight even after taking my whole length." He began scissoring me and my moans were let loose. His fingers scissored and thrusted, I could feel the lube and my wetness run down the inside of my thigh, my toes curling from the pleasure. Nickie plunged his fingers into my sweet spot and my back arched in reaction to the wave of pleasure. White spots began to invade my vision as I pant in pleasure. Taking his fingers out, he replaces them with the vibrators, inserting one after the other, three in total. Nickie didn't even give me the time to get used to them in me before he turned on the vibrators to what I assume would be the highest level. One vibrator was pressed right up onto my spot and the vibrations sent immense amount of pleasure throughout my body. After a seconds of this torture, I whimpered out, "I'm cumm-ing." Right before being able to release, Nickie slid a tight ring around my member. I whimpered out a 'no'. He was stopping me from releasing. 

"Stay like this for a few minutes. I'll be back, bunny." He placed a gentle kiss to my head and the sound of a door being closed was heard. The torture of not being able to release and oversensitivity had begun and lasted a lot longer than a few minutes. 

Dominic's POV: 

I stood outside of the door, listening to Louis' moans and the sound of the bed sheets rustling. This was only the lightest of punishments that I could possibly give. Looking at the time on my phone, it read '10:27'. I would go check up on him in thirty minutes. 

I hadn't enforced our Dom/Sub relationship much since he got here because I wanted him to get comfortable first. I think he's gotten pretty comfortable. Especially around the three of us. 

A feeling deep inside of me had felt angry that someone else was touching Louis that much and another feeling inside of me made me want to remind Louis that only I was allowed to touch him and him not answering with words gave me a reason to do it. "Where's the kid?" Julian, just finishing buttoning his shirt, asked. Julian and Bernard had volunteered to step in for me for the day due to the imminent threat of Snyder stalking Louis. They were the only two responsible enough for the position. I trusted them. 

"In our room," is all I said. The sounds that Louis were making couldn't be heard unless you were right up against the door. Julian had shrugged it off, saying he was heading out now. When the two boys had left, I let myself relax a little. Taking out a wine from the wine fridge and pouring myself a glass, I sit on the couch, imagining just what Louis might look like right now. Wriggling on the bed, panting with small whimpers coming out, his wrists red from pulling against the cuffs. Just the thought of him gets my member slightly hard. 

The time to check on Louis had already come. Slowly walking over to the bedroom and opening the door, I see Louis panting, his head digging into the bed and his legs trembling. I place the glass of wine on the bedside table and hover over Louis. "Ni-Nickie. Please t-turn it off." His voice a high whiny pitch. Without saying a warning, I pull the vibrators out of Louis. He lets out a yelp and his whole body starts trembling. His hole was dripping with his sweet juices and didn't need any preparation. I pull some condoms out of the beside table and open one. After sliding the condom onto my length, I go down to give a long kiss to my honey. Sensing his relaxation into the kiss, I begin to slide my length into his sweet cave and he moans into the kiss. Getting used to my length, his cave squeezes around it. Feeling his warmth, I pull out just until the tip is still inside, then I push my length back in in one swift thrust. Another sweet moan from Louis. 

Louis begins crying out in oversensitivity and starts squirming around. I grab his ankles and place his legs on my shoulders. "Ni-ckie. No-no more. Please!" He begins losing his mind to the pleasure. "Wait! Wait, please!" Suddenly, he lets out a yelp and his whole body begins to shake and his cave tightens around my length, almost too tight. After a few seconds, his body falls back into the bed and he pants, his attention not fully there. He had an orgasm, but nothing had come out. My baby had a dry orgasm. 

I begin my thrusting into him again to give me my own release. Louis had reached his limit and I was almost pushing him past it. His eyes began rolling into the back of his head and his moans were even sweeter than before. After more thrusts into my sweet boy, I released into the condom  and sadly not into his cave. After throwing the condom away, I take in the sight on my bed. 

Louis was zoned out. I realized he had gone into subspace again. He was still experiencing the taste of a dry orgasm and his body was twitching every so often from the spikes of pleasure that he couldn't handle. Instead of washing him up right away, I decided to give him some attention. I bring his body into mine and lay on the bed. Patting his head, I whisper soft compliments. 

"You did so good, bunny. It's ok now." When his breathing had slowed, I looked down and saw that he had fallen asleep. Without trying to wake up, I separate myself from him and walk to the bathroom to bring a wet towel to clean him. 

My bunny has to work on his stamina. 

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