Chapter 7

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Louis' POV: 

I really wanted to go with Nickie but I also didn't want to be a bad boy either. I'm gonna try my best today. 

After Julian closed the door, Bear locked it and walked over to the couch. I followed behind. He laid down on the couch and I kneel down on the floor next to him. I don't think he noticed me. 

He turns on the TV and scrolls through the channels for a few hours, laughing at a few things every so often. I look at the clock and see that it's a little past 1:40 PM. I let out a small whine and rub my knees because I've been on them for three hours now.

"Oh my god, Lou. I didn't even notice you there. How long were you there for?" 

"Um.. I think three hours now." I say in a small voice. 

"Come here." He scoots over to one of the couch to give me space to sit down on. "Are you hungry? We haven't had lunch yet." I nod in response. "All right. Let's order some pizza, yeah?" I nod once more, even though I have no idea what pizza is. 

"What do you want on your pizza, Lou?" 

"I don't know what pizza is."  I admit. 

"Ok, then I'll order something really simple for you." 

Bear makes a phone call and I just stare at him, not wanting to disturb him. I've never used a phone before. I've seen Mr. Smith and the guards use them at the sub house but they never let the subs use them. 

"All right, they said that it'll be here in 30 minutes. What do you wanna do now?" 

"I miss Nickie." I want to see him so bad right now. 

"Lou, he told you that he can't take you to his job yet. Just wait a few more hours and he should be here." 

"But......I wanna see Nickie." Tears start to roll down my cheeks. I know I promised myself to be a good boy but I can't help it. I've come to like Nickie already and being away from him for this long hurts. 

By now, I'm full on bawling out loud and Bear doesn't know what to do. 

Bernard's POV: 

Lou was doing just fine up until now. I don't know what happened. I know the two have gotten really close somehow and I know Louis hates being alone, which is why boss left me with him. What am I supposed to do when he's full on crying on the floor like this? 

For now, I call the boss to see what to do. 

"Boss...." Louis interrupts me with another wail. 

"What happened? Why's he crying?" 

"He said he misses you and then started crying." 

"It's only 2:30."

"I know boss. What am I supposed to do?"

"Hand him the phone."

Louis' POV: 

Bear puts the phone to my ear and I hear Nickie's voice.

"Hi Bunny. Why are you crying?"

"I-I miss you. I don't want to be home w-without y-you." 

"Okay Bunny, I'll be there soon. Just wait and go cuddle Bear, okay?"

"mkay." I give the phone back to Bear and when he puts the phone down on the kitchen counter, he walks back over to me and pulls me into his lap. I continue to cry into Bear's shoulder and then the doorbell rings. 

Bear picks me up into one arm and walks over to the door. The man at the door apologizes for being late and hands Bear two boxes. A really good smell is coming from them. Bear opens up the boxes and I see two circular things inside of them. 

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