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There whole place was silent for like an hour. My heart was racing like a galloping horse I couldn't expect nothing but the worst reaction from Uncle Ekow. But to my surprise, Uncle Ekow turned to face me with a sense of calmness,I could read confusion and shock from his eyes but I was ready to give all the answers he needed.

Uncle Ekow; how...why...Matilda why do you address Francis as such. What at all has happened.

MATILDA; that man is not who you think he is. He is a wicked man.( tears begin to run down Matilda's chicks.) He sees no worth in a female.....and I hate him with every piece of me...

Uncle Ekow; (speaks in a slow tone) heyy don't say that Matt. You can't hate your dad. He loves you so much.

MATILDA; love..love you say. Don't try to throw dust in my eyes uncle. You and I know that the only thing Dad cherishes is his one and only son,his wealth and fame in society nothing more....nothing less.
He sees my existence as a mistake and a disappointment, so he does not consider it worth investing in my education....in the education of "his mistake" in life. (Matida begins to weep bitterly.

Uncle Ekow; (Uncle Ekow hugs Matilda tight to calm her down). Matt please stop crying... I bet you everything will be fine. Calm down please. I know what you're going through Matt but just calm down I will try to sought things out.
Matilda;(Matilda begins to sob, she finally wipes her tears away.)

MATILDA; Uncle Ekow, there is something I have to discuss with you. I came to Accra to purposely search for you and not to attend church. I want to live with you, I don't want to return to that monsters dungeon any more.

Uncle Ekow; Matilda do you hear yourself at all. You know I can not stay with you. Your dad will murder me if I accept you here.

MATILDA; Uncle Ekow please try to understand me. That man never wants to see me again. He wishes nothing good for me but my death. Could you believe he cursed me when I was leaving....

Uncle Ekow; He did what!!! Francis cursed you?

MATILDA; Yes he cursed my womb. That's how severe things have gotten to. And I just can't go back there Uncle. Unless he will kill me.....please uncle I cannot go back there...please...please.. I'm begging you. (Matilda kneels and begins to weep bitterly. Uncle Ekow is confused as to which step he is supposed to take. But he gets an idea...)

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