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Mike and I were walking out of the arena. I beat the shit out of one of the egoistical people who thought he was better than me. No one beat me up in this season yet

"Mate, John texted me about the party he's throwing tonight. Wanna come?" Mike looked from his phone to me.

A few weeks ago I would say no immediately but I was with Holy when she talked to Jenna about the party she's going to

"Yeah sure man" we both jumped into my car and drove off

"What's up with Holy?" Mike wondered as I looked at him confused

"What do you mean?" I chuckled nervously and looked straight at the road

"You banged her yet?" He teased while I gripped the steering wheel with my hands

"Don't talk about it like that" I said through gritted teeth as my foot started tapping against the floor

"So you did" he cheered while I groaned

"No, I didn't. Why would I? We're just friends" I stated oblivious and looked out of the window. It'll rain soon

"Right" he snorted and started tapping into his phone

I just sighed and let it go. That's just the way Mike is behaving all the time but he's a really good friend. I know him since she died


"Hey, you seen Holy?" I asked literally the only person that was in the house, the rest were outside dancing like crazy. Gosh I hate dancing

"Yeah I've seen her going to the cottage with some dude," the drunk Denny said before walking off

Cottage? What she did do in that drug full cottage? God I hope she didn't take anything from Noah he's literally the biggest jerk I've ever seen

I bumped into the people who were dancing all around the pool. What the fuck get into them? I already hear thunders

I was about to open the cottage when I saw some person under the water who didn't move at all

My breath hitched when I saw the flannel slowly drifting on the surface. I know the flannel very well. Holy wear it when we were at the dinner a few days ago

Without hesitation, I jumped into the pool head first and dive under the water before taking her in my hands bridal style and quickly swam to the stairs that were a few meters away

I put her on the ground before sitting next to her and slapping her cheek lightly. Nothing. I checked the pulse and breathed out of relief

I put her wet hair out of her chest before I started the CPR. I put the pressure on her chest 30 times before leaning above her head, stuffing her nose, and putting my mouth on hers to bring oxygen into her lungs.

I did it twice before I moved on her chest again. All the people were around us, holding phones in their hands. The fuckers aren't bothering to even call someone

"Come on, Holy," I said and put my mouth on hers again. As soon as I pulled away, she coughed out the water.

I immediately raised her head and breathed out in relief "fuck you scared me" I groaned and rested my forehead on hers

"Sorry 'bout that" I nodded my head and slowly stood her up

"Did you take anything from Noah?" I asked as I lead her into the house to get some towels

"He gave me some weird white powder. Some Bryan dude helped me to take it" she chuckled as I sat her on the couch

"Stay here okay? I'll get something to dry you up" I said before fast walking into the bathroom upstairs

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