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We walked towards my locker, put in the unnecessary things, and made it down the hallway so Harry can show in his things as well

We were talking and laughing when I felt some eyes staring at me. I scrunched my eyebrows and looked around to see Ryder leaning against the lockers eyeing me while ignoring some girl who is talking to him

She waved a hand in front of his face and that was the moment when he looked at her with an annoyed face

"Did you ever listen to me? I asked you on a date" the petite blonde said, frowning

"Not interested" I heard Ryder say with no emotions before he walked out of my sight probably to his class

"Holy?" Harry's voice said as I snapped my head in his direction


"Did you dozed off or something?" He chuckled and put his hand around my shoulder

"Kind of" I laughed and held him by his waist

"People are looking at us weirdly" I looked around. Literally everyone

"They've never seen me with a girl just walking down the hall. I kiss them or fuck them but not this" Harry teased as I widened my eyes

"You are a fuck boy and you didn't tell me?" I teased as I pushed into his chest playfully

I hear his deep chuckle before he shook his head "I thought it'd scare you off"

"Are you kidding? I was the same before I met Mason" I laughed

"Boyfriend right?" He mumbled as I nodded "do you think it'll last long though the distance?" He asked honestly as I shrugged

"I hope so" the sad expression showed up on my face at the thought of me and Mason breaking up

"Oh no, you're sad right now. Don't be sad" Harry stopped and turned to hug me "I didn't mean it like that" he mumbled into my hair and hugged me tighter

I chuckled and hugged him back "you didn't do anything, I'm not sad" I patted his back while he pulled away

"Okay then.." kissing my head, he opened his locker and stuck his things in

"So where to first?" I leaned against the lockers and looked at him

"First, I show you this class where there is always someone making out or fucking so you know, just don't go there" we both laughed as he showed me the class on the farthest end

"Don't open it just so you know" we went silent for a minute and immediately heard moaning "alright next thing" he said and walked towards some stairs

"I hate stairs" I muttered and skipped them after him

He opened some metal door for me to see a bright sky. What?

"That's the roof, sometimes I go there to think but there's always someone to annoy me tho" Harry glared at something.

I looked behind me to see Ryder. He is sitting on the corner of the building, his legs swinging down as he brought the cigarette to his lips.

Never have I ever seen someone looking that hot while smoking.

Ryder turned around and glared at me for a moment before his eyes fell hard on Harry

"You want more after this morning?" Ryder shouted so Harry could hear him and took another puff from the cigar while turning back around

Bad boys do it betterTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon