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(Word count: 1130)

I spent the next week avoiding Cassie at all costs. When she would come downstairs I would either go into another room or I would turn the TV up so loud I couldn't hear her. When walking past her room I would intentionally walk on the other side of the hallway, it may sound like to much but what she did to Maddy was way worse. Nate was a fresh wound for Maddy and for Cassie to just turn around and do that was such a cunt move coming from her.

I hadn't talked to Maddy though, both out of fear she would hate me because I'm Cassie's sister and because I thought she probably needed some space. I woke up early on a mission to finally go see my best friend. I think everyone knows how actually scary Maddy is so to say I was scared would be an understatement. To add onto that, I didn't even know what I was going to say- honestly I didn't even know if she would let me into her house in the first place.

After grabbing my old skateboard I started making my way to her house. It took about ten minutes, traffic and all. Knock-Knock.. then I could barely hear someone walking to the door. "Hayden?" Came Sonia's voice, she poked her head out before opening the door all the way. I smiled awkwardly and started fidgeting with my fingers. I cleared my voice quietly. "I'm so sorry I really don't mean to bother you guys, but is Maddy home?" I asked, pushing my hair behind my ear. She looked around, her eyes stopping back at me once again. "Madeleine!" She called out into the house.

I heard a muffled shuffling before I saw my best friends head from her bedroom door. "What?" She yelled back. Just then Sonia moved so that Maddy could see me. "There's someone here to see you." It took a minimum of two minutes before Maddy's whole body emerged from her room into the hallway. She walked all the way to the front door which caused Sonia to make her way into another room. "So do you wanna come in?" She asked after a second.

She closed the door behind me. We turned to each other and just stood there. I took a breath before speaking. "Look Mads I don't really know what to say... except I'm sorry." I looked straight into her eyes. "You didn't do anything to hurt me H. Don't apologize for her." She said quite sadly while pulling me into a hug. "Thank you for doing it anyways though, that means a lot little one." She whispered. I laughed into her shoulder. "I really hope this didn't ruin our friendship." I replied.

"Of course not, I just wish your sister wasn't a lying bitch." She started cackling after that. "I know.. me neither." Then we went back to her room where a movie was playing on her laptop.


After hours at Maddy's place I finally left, promising her I'd tell Lexi she loved her. I was expecting an evening full of movies and popcorn, Lexi and mom my only company. But boy was I wrong.

From outside the house I could already hear Cassie screaming her lungs out. Then I heard my mom's voice start yelling, equally loud. I really didn't want to go inside during their screaming match but I didn't have a choice. My mother's rule was that I couldn't be out later than 10:00 and it was 9:50, since I got grounded that was her new thing.

I crept in the doorway and quietly took off my shoes. Even after all my precautions Suze still managed to see me, and since she was already mad she decided to take some of it out on me. "Where were you?!" She moved her eyes to me. "You know what.. don't even answer that! You were probably with those drug dealers." She looked at me with her eyeballs bulging out, like a psycho person. "No I wasn't mom! I was with Maddy." I defended myself. She just shook her head. "I can't believe this Hayden. I'm sending you to live with your aunt."

The world stopped, and I felt like I had been struck by lightning or something. A couple months ago I could've cared less if I was sent to my aunts but now.. after Ash it felt like my world would be tipped upside down if I left. "What the fuck?!" I screamed so loud the whole town probably heard. "I told you not to go around them because I don't trust them, but now you've even got Lexi involved with them! I don't want to hear anything from you- you're staying with your aunt and that is final." She crossed her arms. "I hate you Cassie! This is all your fault, if you would've just kept your mouth shut none of this would be happening!"

I didn't stick around long enough to hear anything else, all anyone could hear was me slamming the door as I sprinted out of the house. I think everyone knew where I was headed.

As I kept running tears started streaming down both of my cheeks, the wind blowing through my hair with a cool breeze. When I got there I started banging on the door. I didn't care if I disturbed anyone else, because all I could think about was Ashtray. After a minute I heard the faint rustling noise as someone made their way to the door. The doorknob jiggled and then I saw his eye peeking through where he had opened it. "Hayden? You good, ma?" He asked, concern laced through his voice. "Can I please just come in? I really need to talk to you Ash." I sniffled.

The door was opened wide enough for me to walk in past him.


After I closed the door I felt Hayden's small figure wrap around me, her head barely reaching above my shoulder. "You scarin' me ma, what's up?" I said quietly, finally latching my arms around her. She shook her head slightly. "My moms making me go away." I heard her voice crack as she started crying some more. "What? Why?" I questioned carefully.

"She said she doesn't want me around you Ash." "Well maybe that's what's best." I suggested, knowing having her around me was dangerous. "No! No that's not what's best. I can't- can't do that." Her voice just kept getting lower. "I don't want you getting hurt bro." I responded. "Did you seriously just call me bro?" She asked with a barely audible giggle. I laughed at that. "Hey, you know I'm not good at being thoughtful." I snapped back jokingly.

Till the end || AshtrayOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora