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For a while, it had been nice. Harry was a part of my bubble for a second and I relaxed with him. Then he got all shy and awkward about being a bit slow on his feet so I joined him and even made him laugh. It had been so nice. But that was never going to last long. I let myself fall into the vibe that came with "nice guys". I remember my objective, now. To leave. And suddenly I'm eager to talk, too, although his question leaves me at a loss.

"Is something going on back home, Louis?"

"Sorry, I want to answer, I just don't really understand what you mean."

"It's just... The doc kind of noticed some things and I wanted to check in." I flinch, wondering if he saw me with my clothes off. I hate the thought and it makes my skin crawl. "Paul" better stay the fuck away from me from now on. All the more reason to get out of this town. Who knows what he wants with me, now. "And I noticed some things, too."

"Just cos I was unconscious didn't mean you had to take off my fucking clothes, Harold. Geez. What is it with men and-"

"What?! I didn't! And Doctor Paul, he's just doing his job, absolutely nothing untoward happened while you were out! Please don't assume that of me..."

"I might've spent the night in your bed but I don't know you, Harry." Harry sighed and nodded.

"Right. But I want to know you. How long have you had these panic attacks?"

"None of your business."

"Okay... Where did you live before now?"

"Also none of your business."

"Well, at least we know your name. Louis. Very pretty," he remarks in passing, yet the lazy, gorgeous grin on his face as he stares at me makes mine grow hot. My eyes flicker away from his frustrating beauty and I tell myself to never look at him again. The room calls my attention instead. He has fairylights and paintings here and there. I notice the picture on his dresser and smile.

"Your family?"

"Oh. Yeah... People don't tend to come in here."

"Oh. Sorry for snooping."

"You were just observing. Stop apologising to me, I don't like i-"

"Sorry." He chuckles, playfully rolling his eyes while I bite my lip and look away from him. Everything he does is pretty and it's distracting.

"Umm... I need to... Leave. Get back on the road and all."

"What? But- I-"

"I'm sorry about the money and time you must have lost to help me out. And I appreciate it. You are... A nice guy, Harry." And that'd exactly why I need to get away as quickly as possible. "Do you know where my car is?"

"Ah. Umm the mechanic's. Liam's dad, Geoff, he's got it. Said something about overuse and wearing down and tension?" The car is starting to sound a lot like me. Everything I touch just has to fall into ruin eventually. "I couldn't understand a lot of the talk, too much straight guy energy for me maybe...?"

"Oh. Fuck. How long will that take."

"Uh... Some days?"

"How many days, Harold?"

"S-seven or so."

"Double fuck. I... Harry... Why didn't I bring money, how fucking stupid could I possibly g-"

"Hey. Hey. We all make mistakes. Even when we're running away from home and all."

"I was not," I force through gritted teeth, unable to stop the smile that makes its way onto my lips as he laughs.

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