iv. Apple Juice

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              Friday rolled around quicker than Felicia would've liked. She felt so nervous about the party, her stomach had been turning and lurching all morning, which was making her appetite go away.

              "Felicia, you need to eat something," Misty insisted for the third time that morning.

              The pair were sat together at a lunch table watching people walk by. Felicia played with Misty's fork as she watched a group of freshman girls fix each other's hair.

              "I'm not hungry," she said, pushing away the apple that had been offered to her. Truthfully she could not tell if she was hungry or not — there was a discomfort in her stomach but she didn't know the reason behind it.

              "There's pizza today. You love pizza. I can get you some, if you'd like," tried Misty.

              Felicia scrunched up her nose, "Maybe later,"

              Misty sighed, "Later you'll be in class. Please, Licia. If you're gonna drink tonight, you need something in your stomach,"

              Felicia finally turned to look at her friend. "I just feel like if I take a bite out of anything I'll immediately puke it all out. Do you want vomit all over your shirt?"

              "Of course not," replied Misty, chuckling. "But I don't want you dying because you haven't eaten anything, either."

              "I'm not gonna die,"

              Misty shook her head and dug her hand inside her purse, "Here," she said, handing Felicia five dollars.

              "What's this for?"

              "The vending machine. Go get some apple juice or something,"

              Felicia made a face at Misty but got up anyway and headed to the hallways to find a vending machine.

              She walked carefully, holding on to the walls as she went. The lightheadedness she was experiencing seemed to be getting worse now that she was on her feet.

              She had almost lost her footing when a steady arm held her back.

             "Felicia! Are you alright?" her knight in shining armor asked.

              It was Peter Parker, and he stood there looking at Felicia with a concerned look on his face. He was not wearing his glasses and his hand was still on her back.

              "I — yeah, I'm okay," she managed, her hand reaching for one of his shoulders.

              "Are you sure?"

              "Yes," Felicia lied, Peter's touch making her even dizzier. His eyes were blue, she noticed.

              "Good," he said, a small smile appearing on his lips. He let go of Felicia and cleared his throat. "I've been looking for you all day, actually,"

              "You have?" sputtered Felicia, awkwardly letting go of him as well.

              "Yeah," admitted Peter, scratching his neck, "Yesterday, too,"

              "Oh," said Felicia. "Sorry, I've been...I don't even know,"

              "Don't worry about it, I just wanted to let you know that I'm going to the party today,"

              "Oh, yeah, Harry — " she shook her head. "Harry, is he coming?"

              "Yeah, and Stella, too," he said. "My sister might even come out of her cave and join us for a bit."

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