o. Prologue

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              Felicia Hardy was born on a cold October night, her loud cries waking nearly every resting patient in the hospital.

              She came into the world as a loud and fierce baby, her cries never-ending until she got what she wanted. That never changed.

              Peter Parker was born on a hot August afternoon, when the sun was just starting to set; he made it into the world five minutes after his twin sister, Amy. He barely made a sound. His mother held them close while his father documented it all on a video camera.

              Little did he know his time with them would not be long.

              Felicia grew up in a huge home, where every night her parents came home from the daily errands of their respective jobs and treated their daughter with tender love and care.

              Felicia's mother, Lydia, was a non-profit event coordinator; parties and galas were always in store once a month, and Felicia did not mind the dressing up one bit.

              Her father, Walter, was an art dealer; he spent his days on the phone talking to clients and making deals and offerings to make a handsome amount of money in order to buy his family the dresses, shoes, and jewelry they adored wearing to the galas.

              Every person who attended said galas was always a member of a respectable family that had either been rich for generations, or had fought their way to the top. Either way, if you could afford a ticket and a generous donation, your entrance was more than guaranteed.

              Most of the evenings at the galas were the perfect moment for the rich adults to set up all of their spoiled rich kids together. Felicia lost track of how many times Norman Osborn tried introducing his son, who didn't seem at all pleased to be near her.

              Peter Parker, on the other hand, grew up in two places. First, a bigger-than-average home where he could play hide and seek with his sister and parents when they were not busy working in their offices. Then, a small house with his aunt and uncle.

              Peter's mother was a scientist. So was his father. Mary and Richard worked very hard and they made a good amount of money, but they were never invited to galas, let alone cared to attend.

              Nevertheless, Peter's childhood was filled with love and playtime sessions with his family. 

              That was, of course, until his parents died.

              They were headed out of town for a business trip, but the plane they'd been traveling on crashed in the ocean. No one on the flight survived.

              Peter and Amy had no choice but to move in with their aunt and uncle, who adopted them after the accident.

              With them, they learnt to be humble. They were no longer living in a huge house, and living under a new roof also meant living under new rules.

              Thankfully, Aunt May and Uncle Ben were never strict. They provided everything the kids needed and supported their passion for school.

              But that was not Peter's only passion.

              Shortly after starting elementary school, Mary Jane Watson moved in next door. He thought she was an angel. He'd never seen a girl as pretty as Mary Jane, and right away he knew his crush for her would probably be never ending.

              Felicia was never interested in love, and quite frankly, she did not believe in it. She did really like shiny things, though.

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