Your smile haunts me (Ch.2)

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" Stop lying, you hobo! That Teme wouldn't be sleeping on the floor in the middle of a forest bleeding out from his mouth with no specific wound- Ttebayo!" Naruto yelled at the man feeling frustrated and thinking if he should really trust this guy. All Sasuke thought was ' Since when did Naruto know me so well? When did he become smart??????'


" Since when are you smart?" Sasuke said out loud without thinking.

"See you're not Sasuke!... He would know the answer to that..." Naruto said more like lied to himself. Even if this man told him he was Sasuke from the future that somehow came back. Naruto didn't want to believe it. Why should he? for all he knows this could be a dumb prank or just a stranger that got hit on the head. Even if it was true... Why should he believe that Sasuke came back to the village, after all he tried, he just came back? Really?

Sasuke stared at Naruto as he made expressions of frustration and conflict. He knew this was probably too much for Naruto.

" If I remember right I only have a week until I go back..." He said out loud on purpose this time to distract Naruto but at the same time being accurate to the bits and pieces he could readout of the scroll.

"Eh? go back where-ttebayo?" Naruto snapped out of his thoughts confused.

"To the future, Usuratonkachi." Sasuke said retracting his thought about Naruto having a brain for once.

"EH? I'm not an idiot! but... Nature calls!" Naruto yelled in protest as he ran toward the bathroom and slammed the door.

"Heh... just like the old days right Naruto?..." Sasuke said in a whisper as he looked around the small apartment room. It was rather.... well, weirdly cleaner for Naruto. 'Did he clean?'

He looked around until his eyes fell onto an old picture for him and memory for another. It was team 7 in its brightest days. Their first picture and probably the last together. 

'I miss this...Wait, miss? No.' 

 'Maybe he can stay here- No, what am I thinking he's not- ' Naruto's thoughts stopped as he saw the man that called himself Sasuke holding the team's sevens picture and... 'Is he...crying?' 

" Are you ok- Dattebayo? I mean well you don't look like it ya'know? but...Why are you crying?" Naruto said as he walked toward Sasuke. Sasuke's pupils grew small in surprise, he hadn't known that he was crying.

' I'm Crying..? Pathetic..'

" Weak...I feel bad you saw me like this, and I'm..." Sasuke couldn't bring himself to say sorry so he gulped. Naruto just hugged his back like a small child and started talking.

" It's ok to cry...It's not weak... Strong people cry because they have gone through many hardships and didn't have the time to overcome them completely...It's ok Sasuke, it's fine to cry even if it's alone... Crying is proof that you've been strong for too long." Naruto said softly as he hugged Sasuke. (Sasuke had bent down to Naruto as he talked to make the hug feel a bit more comfortable). 

Sasuke felt like he was the child instead of Naruto while his eyelids felt heavy and his body exhausted. He was crying silently until he fell into a deep sleep but before that, he noticed that he could see Naruto's face. He could see Naruto's sky-like-blue-colored eyes. His small whiskers that decorated his face. His remarkable yellow hair and last but not forgotten his smile as he said those thing's to Sasuke.

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