Fifth Commandment

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"It's nice to see you two again, I'd miss you." The blunet said with a faint smile before tightening his hold on his parents. His parents also tightened their hold on him as they felt tears fighting to break through.

"I can't handle it anymore Tetsuya!" The female Kuroko burst into to tears first as she pulled away and cried in her hands. Both father and son looked at her before looking at each other, a small smile plastered on their faces before calming the pale woman.

After a few moments of calming the mother, the younger Kuroko felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned around to see his mistress with a loving smile, nodding her head to acknowledge the bluent's parents.

"It's nice to see you again Wataru and you must be...? Miyuki right? It's a pleasure to finally meet my favorite butler and close friend's most precious lady." Alex said with a grin as she reached out her hand for a handshake. "I'm their 2nd most precious." She corrected with a light chuckle and gave menancing glare to her husband and son.

They both stiffened from the glare and felt their hair standing up like a military soldier. It wasn't a plesant sight seeing the female kuroko like that.

Kuroko remembered his father saying that his mother was a retired chief of police or was she a retired military forcer.  He couldn't remember which because he was very young when the older Kuroko told him.

"Oh really? Who's the first then?" The american woman asked again while glancing at the two men behind the petite pale woman. "Taru-kun's mother obviously." The female kuroko answered with a pout.

She doesn't have the power to hate the old lady because there wasn't anything to hate about. The older Kuroko's mother was a kind, friendly and loving woman who can be a strong, clever and smart individual if she wanted to be.

The older woman was also a professional pianist back then but retired when she bared Kuroko's father at the age of 29 with her shy and reserved husband who was a silent talented artist but died a few years after their  son was born.

She was the reason behind Kuroko's love of playing the piano. Hinagiku why do you have to win my son's heart?! The female Kuroko said with a huff as she followed the others outside.

"Is everything in your head alright?" Her husband asked with a raised eyebrow, disappearing to his black hair. She shook her head before tucking her arm under her husband's.

"Fine but I like to have lunch now." She said bluntly when she felt her small stomach grumbling for food. The older Kuroko nodded as he tapped one of the twins' shoulder and told them that they should have lunch in a nice restaurant.

All of them agreed when they heard about having lunch. They were divided into two before they went to different cars, one belongs to the older Kuroko and the other belongs to Alex who ordered her car to be delivered a week before their flight.

Lunch was filled with chatter and the glowing aura of happiness and excitement were lingering in the air. The restaurant that the black haired Kuroko had picked was a old friend's so they got to pay half of the original price od their ordered meals.

"Arexandra. Can I talk to you in private?" The female Kuroko asked with an unreadable expression which made the blonde woman gulped inaudibly but nodded anyway as she followed the blunette to the lady's restroom. "To be honest I don't approve of your amateur play of being cupid. I've seen my son got hurt two times before I don't like to hear a third one." Was she first said as she gave a hard stare at the fairly tall woman.

Confused for a moment, she made an 'o' with her mouth when she finally realized what she meant. "Don't worry, the plans fullproof-" That made the mother scoffed. "-Fullproof, as I said, just trust in me when I say it." Alex said seriously as she stared at the blunette with honest eyes.

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