Ch. 6 - Double date madness

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No one's POV:

Ink has done it. He's finally convinced Error into being his fake lover just 2 days ago. He was still surprised that he actually accepted his offer but, There's no going back now.

However, The artist was still embarrassed about yesterday's act. And yet today, His body is filled with even more guilt and regret. He agreed to go on a double date with Error, And the couple, Dream and Cross. He knew that Error was sure embarrassed like hell yesterday. And so, he has to prepare for Error's yelling and lectures again.

Ink got up and rubbed his eye sockets, Checking the time as it was 2:30 while he had to be at the park at 3:00. He went to his closet as he looked through the clothing he had, Making sure what he's wearing today is casual and not too cheesy.

He wore a brown trench coat with a pair of brown jeans with white shoes, Then gripped on his brown scarf from one of the clothing rackets as he finished dressing.

He grabbed his keys and locked the door, Calling an Uber as he was worried about todays activity.

A few minutes later, He arrived in the amusement park. It had a bunch of activities; Rollercoasters, Plays, A roller skating rink, And a carousel.

He then had waited at the side of the entrance, Waiting for the others to arrive so they all could get their tickets together.

As it was 3:00, Error showed up wearing a leather jacket and a pair of blue jeans and white shoes. And, Of course, With his blue scarf wrapped around his neck at all times.

Ink then had a tint of rainbow blush, Not knowing he was blushing this easily.

"Woah, You own a motorcycle or something?"

"I wish, So I could run you over."

The shorter chuckled, The two then waiting for the other two to show up.

"Can't believe it's just the second day of our fake act. It feels like 100 days have passed already."

Error said calmly as he crossed his arms, Leaning on the entrances wall beside Ink.

"We're off to a good start at least!"

"That's what you always say."

They both sighed, Until the two finally showed up, Causing the both of them to look up.

"Sorry, We're late!"

Dream huffed as just now they were running.

"I spent a lot of time getting ready, Haha!"

Dream and Cross breathed heavily as they finally breathed normally.

"Alright! Let's go in!~"

Dream said with enthusiasm as he was excited about doing this with Ink and Error while the 3 wasn't really looking forward to it. Cross seeing his Ex, Error having to put up with a fake act, And so will Ink.

They then walked towards the ticket station, Getting their tickets as they didn't know where to go first.

"Let me see.. No rollercoasters, Right?"

Ink said.

"Of course~. They're terrifying."

Dream replied as the sunshine eyed a glimpse the rollercoaster.

"Error. Hold my hand."

Ink whispered as he moved closer to Error so he could hear.

"Just do what you did last time. I am NOT holding your hand."

Error then had purposely put his hands in his pockets, Ink then clinging onto his right arm like they did last time. However, The difference is, Error appeared to have a tint of blue blush on his cheeks.

"Hmm.. Let's just take some pictures for now!"

Dream hummed as he led the others to the carousel.

"Cross and I will go first!"

Dream handed his phone to Ink, Signaling Ink to take the picture for him.

"Alright!~ Tell us when you will snap a pic!"

Dream and Cross then walked towards the Carousel and discussed on what pose and position they're going to do.

"Okay! We're ready!"

Dream yelled, getting Inks attention.

"Alright! Three, two, on—.."

Tears then had started to form in Inks eye socks as his expression softened, Feeling a emotion of despair and hopelessness as he snapped the picture.


He quietly said as his pupils turned into a broken heart and a blue triangle. Error then had looked at the other, Feeling somewhat motivated into the act even more as this was the first time in a while where he saw Ink getting upset and jealous.

Dream and Cross walked over as Ink quickly changed his expression.

"Thank you bestie!~ Now, it's your turn with Error!"

"Wait u-uh-"

Ink stuttered as the other two didn't seem to notice Inks sadness.

While Ink almost had enough after he saw how happy Dream and Cross were, He almost wanted to give up in despair. He thought there was NO way to make Cross jealous anymore after he just saw how happy Cross was with Dream.

"Let's go."

Error grabbed Inks hand, Leading him to the spot where Dream and Cross once were earlier.

"W-Wait—.. What are you—"

"You wanted this, Right? Let's prove that you're happier without him."

Error then made Ink wrap his legs around Error's waist as Inks hands were on Error's shoulders, Carrying ink in the air as their faces were a few inches apart.

"E-Error, we don't have to—"

"Kiss me."

Error interrupted as Rainbow had started to spread across Inks cheeks, Carrying a shocked expression.


Dream squealed from afar, Cheering for them.

"Wooo!! Are you guys ready? Look Cross! They're so romantic!"

Dream yelled as Dream held the phone in front of him, Getting ready to take a picture.

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