The Argument And The Comm

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Rex scowled as the clone placed a hand on what must be a weapon of sorts. Oh was he going to whip that kid's shebs.

"I'm going to agree with him." Sabine said, glaring at Rex.

"I agree with Rex." Hera stated. "He might know a thing or two about handling Stormtroopers and slicing the computer systems." the clone snorted as his hand began to reach inside of his shirt. Rex brought his gun up and cocked it. The clone whipped around, eyes wide and his breath coming in fast pants. In his right hand was a DC-17 blaster.

"Put that down." Rex cautiously said. The clone shook his head violently.

"No." his voice came out cold, shaky, and terrified.

"What is wrong with him, Rex?" Zeb asked as he appeared in the doorway, Chopper beside him. "Is he a little intimidated by you?" the Lasat started laughing.

"Shut up." the clone snapped, but he was clearly getting nervous. Rex caught Sabine's eye and made the slightest motion with his head toward the clone. She nodded and went to Zeb.

"Put your weapons down, soldier." Rex calmly repeated.

"No way, Captain." the clone nervously replied. "Not after what you and the General did to me." Rex looked confused. He had finally remembered that Kix had been caught with Fives armor once, and he assumed that this was Kix, still. But now....

"What do you mean?" Hera's voice growled. "He hasn't done anything to you except decide to interrogate you."

"He turned me in!" the clone began yelling. "He lead the guards there and then left me for dead, the same way he did Echo!" he whipped around to run, but Rex grabbed the clone's arm.

"Hold on." he said. The clone turned and faced Rex, his face showing both anger and contempt. Rex took a deep breath and was about to speak when a commlink began to chime.

"Forget this," Sabine scowled. "We just so happen to have Wolffe and Hondo on the comm." she paused as she hit the button. "What is it, Hondo?"

"We need a little help down here. Its too much for me and Wolffe here."

"Too much for you?" snickered Sabine.

"Just get over here, Mandalorian." Hondo's exasperated voice whined through the comm. Rex rolled his eyes.

"Rex, bring your friend here and let's get going." Hera called as she began to head out the door. Rex looked at the clone, who frowned, but followed Hera out of the building. Breathing a sigh of relief, Rex followed the group around they alleyways. After a few minutes, it was obvious they were lost.

"For having spent so much time on Lothal, you'd think we'd know this place inside out." Zeb muttered, obviously irritated.

"You're not lost." the clone suddenly said, startling the group. "You're just... misplaced in where you are going." he smirked. Rex rolled his eyes as Chopper clanked back a snarky remark. "And shut up, you glorious tin trash can." the clone added, directing a glare at the droid. Zeb snickered and Rex knew that he had a potential ally.

"Well then, take us to garrison number 15." Hera ordered. The clone hesitated before nodding and taking the lead. Rex brought up the back of the small group, keeping a sharp eye out for any sign of danger. After a couple minutes, they arrived to a wild-eyed Hondo screaming like a maniac and Wolffe copying him, both of them shooting stun shots everywhere. The clone drew another blaster out of his shirt and proceeded to join them, shocking Rex. He tried to make himself move, but he was frozen, seeing his brother in action against the Empire. For one moment, his mind flashed back to the last time he'd seen the clone in action, then he shook it from his head.

"All clear." Wolffe panted, drawing Rex's attention to him. He gave a nod to his vod, and then turned to Hondo.

"I suggest you get yourself cleaned up." he teased. Hondo nodded and dashed from the place. Rex finally turned and raised an eyebrow at Zeb, who was mercilessly teasing the clone, who to Rex's astonishment, was actually playing along. Rex rubbed his eyes slightly.

He had to be hallucinating.

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