The Armor

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Rex jumped up and began to follow the clone, but then stopped.

"Wolffe, we can track him down later. I need to get you back to the ship." he replied. Wolffe grunted in reply.

"I dunno what got into him." the medic said, staring at the open door. Rex had an idea.

"Mind if you help me with Wolffe?" he asked. The medic squinted, but before he could refuse, Rex added, "And I'll pay you double, with a drink added onto that." that settled it. So the three made their way back to where Hera had landed the Ghost. Several Ithorians celebrated in a nearby alley while 5 alleys over, Rodians did the same.

"I heard what you folks did to Lothal." Liers began. "That was a pretty bold move against the Empire." Rex chuckled dryly.

"One that the Empire can try to fix before the HoloNet finds out." he replied. He didn't trust this medic, but he really didn't have a choice since he knew who the clone was. He commed Sabine.

"Sabine, we are approaching the Ghost from coordinates 5' 8'. Wolffe is... injured and will be needed somewhere to be for a bit." he waited.

"Copy that, Rex." Sabine's voice came over the comm. "He can stay in the main area for now."

"Roger that. Rex out." he ended the conversation. Liers must have had bad experiences with asking about people as he stayed silent. They finally arrived at the Ghost, and in good time as Wolffe was being to tire. They stretched him out on the floor before Rex sat Liers down.

"Now, I'll get your credits and your drink here shortly, but first, what do you know of Cody?" Rex questioned. Liers grinned big.

"Him?" he chortled. "Not much. He came to Lothal roughly 19 years ago, on a transport and wounded badly. He was wearing white clone armor, but carrying a bag with who knows what in it. I just so happened to be the one to help him heal." here the medic's grin stretched. "After a little while it wasn't hard to figure out where he had come from. I'd seen his picture all over the HoloNet. He still has the tattoo. We both are buddies, that's for sure."

"What do you mean, saw his picture all over the HoloNet?" Rex asked, his heart beginning to pound wildly.

"I'll do ya one better!" Liers seemed thrilled. "I'll show ya what was in the bag." He stood up, then looked down at Rex. "You saw some of it in his room, but the rest is in an alcove under the floor." Rex blinked, but standing, he followed the overly excited medic out of the ship.

"We can go back and look at it if you're okay with that." Liers added. Rex shrugged.



The two of them stood before the still open door of Cody's apartment. Rex took a deep breath as he stepped in and searched for the loose floorboard.

"He showed me every alcove he built into this place, and swore me to secrecy, but you obviously knew him, so that's why I'm showing you." he lifted the loose floorboard slightly, then paused. "Don't tell Cody."

"I won't." Rex promised. He had a feeling he knew who it was. Kix had gone AWOL after the Republic had taken Anaxes back, and many had said they'd seen a clone board a transport and Kix also liked Cody's name. He motioned for the medic to lift the board. A blue and white blanket with '501st Legion' in Aurebesh was covering a lumpy mess.

"Anything else you mind telling me before I look at the armor?" Rex glanced at the medic. Liers shook his head.

"Before we open this, I need to tell you that this clone was an accomplished medic himself." Rex said. Liers eyes popped open. Rex heard a creak from the doorway and a snort, but he was too busy watching Liers.

"That's... that's impossible!" he spluttered.

"His CT number is 6116 and his name is Kix." Rex added. He turned to the blanket and whipped it off, expecting Kix's plain white helmet with the familiar sign of a Clone Medic. So it shocked him when he saw instead a blue and white helmet with Fives drawing of the Rishi beast.

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