Date Night

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gonna put the trigger warnings for this story now so yee <3

TRIGGERS: alcohol, mention of murd3r, possible dark themes, slightly suggestive flirting, Needles, fear toxin, crime. 

also thanks for all the positive feedback on these oneshots! it means a lot to me <3 

also quick context, in this fanfic, ed and john don't live together, yet :)


It was the first night that John and Ed had been able to have an actual date night out in a few months and Ed couldn't be more excited. 

John on the other hand, was a bit more reluctant. He hated going out if he didn't have to, all the stares and snickers of strangers who mocked his appearance. 

John was currently getting ready, he was wearing a three piece suit that was black and bright orange with a black bowtie. He glanced at himself in the mirror, adjusting his shirt and nodding at himself as he left the house. He grabbed his coat, keys, and phone and he left the house. he sighed and checked his phone. 

RiddleDiddle has sent you a message 

"Hey Babe!~ I'm at the restaurant now! see you soon sexy! <3" 

As john read the text, a smile creeped onto his face as he turned bright red. he placed the phone in his pocket and continued to walk to the restaurant, refusing to look up from the sidewalk, even though the obscuring of his face didn't stop the snickers and offhand comments. 

soon enough, John made it to the restaurant. He pushed open the door and walked inside, soon enough he saw Edward wildly flailing his arms in an attempt to get his attention. 

John walked to the table and sat down. 

"Hey babe! hows the hottest person in the world?" Edward flirted, reaching his hand across the table and grabbing Johns hand. 

John paused for a moment as a blush spread across his face. Even though they had been dating for 3ish years, Johns hearted fluttered every time Ed did anything, wether that be something romantic like flirting or hand holding, or just smiling at him or telling a dumb riddle, John loved all of it. 

"I don't know, how are you ed?" John asked with a slight smirk 

Ed gasped and placed a hand over his mouth and laughed 

"You're damn right about that john, but im doing well, thank you darling" Ed smiled as a waiter walked over 

"Hello, my name is  (WAITER NAME) and I'll be your waiter for the night, can I start you off with some drinks?" 

"One bottle of rosé, please, thank you," Ed said calmly as the waiter nodded and walked away. 

John raised an eyebrow

"and which kidney did you sell to afford that?" john scoffed 

"I don't have to afford it! we're gonna do a dine and dash" Ed whispered to John 

"Oh terrific, this should go as splendid as that time you killed because you wanted to steal a bouquet of flowers for me?" John asked while edward fumed 

"I did that as a romantic gesture and all you think that it was, was a failed attempt at robbery? how dare you insult my intellect like that!" 

"I didn't have to insult your intellect ed, I never said anything insulting. I just stated facts" John smirked. 

Ed was about to start yelling but was cut off by the waiter bringing out the wine and pouring to glasses. 

ed thanked the waiter and took a sip of the wine. 

after a while, John and ed had ordered their food, eaten, and were getting ready to leave

The two had planned to go back to Johns house to hang out as they hadn't been able to be together as much lately. 

they left the restaurant and began to walk home 

"its so cold out here, hold me john, my frail body will freeze if you don't!" Ed whined dramatically as he wrapped his arms around John. 

Their mushy moment was cut off by a masked thug rounding the corner with a pistol. 

"alright you two, hand over all your shit" 

John just pushed ed behind him and stepped forward, pulling a syringe from his pocket and smiling at the thug. 

"I-I said hand over your shit, wierdo" the thug stammered 

John grabbed his arm, causing the thug to drop the gun on the ground and pulled him into the alley. John held the thugs arms above his head against the wall. 


John just chuckled as he tapped the syringe, settling the glowing orange liquid in the barrel. 

The thug squirmed as John carefully injected the liquid into the thugs neck. there was silence for a moment before blood curdling screams rang out. 

"THEYRE ALL OVER ME,GET THEM OFF,GET THEM OFF OH MY GOOOOD" the thug screamed, writhing around frantically. 

"sweet screams, asshole~" John whispered, kicking the thug in the side before turning around to see Ed. 

"Holy shit, that was Hot..." Ed said, blushing a bit 

John laughed and walked out of the alley 

"that was nothing....darling" 


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2022 ⏰

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