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It was about 1:00 am when Johnathan was still sitting in bed awake, his lover, Edward,

sleeping next to him. He sighed, looking over at Ed with a soft smile before carefully getting off the bed, trying not to disturb his boyfriend's sleep. He tiptoed his way to the bathroom, closed and locked the door, and stared at himself in the mirror. His heavily scarred face and body were a constant reminder of his traumatic encounter at the asylum. His bright-colored eyes contrasted with the dark circles that formed from nights just like this. He felt numb, but the tears that fell from his eyes and landed on the edge of the sink made him aware of his emotions. He rested his elbows on the counter and placed his head in his hands, his back arching with each rapid breath as he sobbed silently. Did he know why he was crying? No, but it was all he felt like he could do. As he sobbed he slammed his back against the wall, his hands still covering his face as he slid down the wall, his body curling up into a ball onto the floor, his head aching from crying.

Soon, a soft knock could be heard on the bathroom door

"John? You alright in there?" a groggy voice asked, as the doorknob jiggled a bit.

"Y-yes, I'm perfectly fine thank you." John managed to croak out, shakily getting to his feet and glancing in the mirror again.

He felt as pathetic as dirt, his eyes puffy and red, rouge tears still dripping down his face.

"Are you sure? Open the door." Ed said, attempting to use the doorknob again.

John took a deep breath and shuffled over to the door. He unlocked it and Edward slowly pushed it open. The minute John's eyes met Ed's, he broke down, falling into Edwards's arms and sobbing even harder.

"Woah Woah hey what's wro-" he cut himself off "insomnia?" he asked, placing a hand on John's back.

Jonathan had a history of terrible insomnia, ever since his youth, maybe it came from studying fear, maybe it came from his trauma, Ed didn't know, all Ed did know was that he hated seeing his lover like this.

John nodded, pulling out of Ed's grasp and looking at the floor, too ashamed to look Ed in the eyes.

"It's alright y'know, why don't we just go back to bed and I'll stay up with you for a while and we can watch a movie or something," ed said, trying to calm john down. John didn't say anything and just walked to the bedroom. He sat on the bed as Ed put the tv on and flipped to something mindless on.

After a bout of silence, John finally spoke up

"You must think I'm an idiot...." he muttered, still not looking at Ed

"Well, whatever do you mean John?" Edward asked, sitting up and turning to his lover

"Oh you know perfectly well what I mean, the bathroom fiasco, you probably have no respect left for me, a sensitive sap..." he said, his tone becoming angered, but this anger was not directed towards ed, but at himself instead.

Edward was silent for a moment.

"John, you're-you're talking nonsense! Why in the world would i have less respect for someone who has emotions? You know what emotions make you?" Ed asked

"An idiot?"

"A HUMAN!" Edward shouted, holding out his arms, john took the offer and hugged Ed tightly

"Now, why don't we try to get some sleep hm?" Ed asked, lying back and allowing john to rest his head on his chest.

"Thanks, ed..." John said softly

"You're welcome John"

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