Five, Ehren

347 28 3



1 Year, 10 Months Ago


"Beautiful girlfriend of mine, are you ready yet?" I was sitting at the island in Layla's apartment waiting for her to finish getting ready for our date.

"Almost." She poked her head around the corner and stuck her tongue out at me.

"Don't make me throw you over my shoulder and drag your fine ass downstairs to have my way with you."

"Don't tease me with a good time." She poked her head out again and winked.

"Woman." I warned already getting hard, and heard her giggle.

Everything between us has been amazing. I was in love with her inside and out. She is my person. The most beautiful person I have ever met, inside and out. We've been together for about 6 months, and inseparable the entire time, at least when we are together physically.

She's understanding when I get called away for work during the early hours of the morning and have to be gone for days at a time, and besides asking how my day was and actually giving a shit, she didn't ever ask me to go into detail. She knows what I do is classified and she's satisfied with that.

I don't think I'd ever be able to find any other woman on this planet that makes me feel the way I feel when I'm with Layla. When I look at her, I see our entire future laid out in stone. I just wish I knew if she felt the same.

Don't get me wrong I know that she loves me. I've yet to meet her family. She said her brother can be rather harsh, doesn't play well with others type, especially guys dating his sister, and her Mom's health isn't the greatest so I'm trying to be understanding. It's just hard you know; you want so much with a person and can tell they're holding back. Her brother can't be that bad, can he?

I looked forward to the few dates that we had together, between her working and me going out on Ops more frequently, being together was becoming difficult. I mean like physically being together, we talk on the phone a lot and text every second we can. Basically, we've been in a long-distance relationship for the last six months.

Tonight, was about us, tomorrow we both had places to be. I had a BBQ with the guys and couldn't miss it. She had a family BBQ to go to and couldn't miss it. Since I haven't met her family due to being gone so much it was easier to just do our separate things and meet up after at my apartment.

Which brings me to the shit show of a Saturday afternoon.

I got to Wyatt's at like noon, he wanted the guys to get there before a few of our other friends and what not. Share a few beers, let off steam about the last mission. The only other people there were Wyatt's younger sisters, because they lived with him.

While we were hanging out waiting for other people to show up. Casey and I got into a stupid argument if you want to even call it that.

"Just tell us about this mystery woman!"

"Casey, shut up." I laughed.

"No, we're your brothers and we need to know."

"You're my brothers, and you don't need to know."

"Dude, come on, we share everything!"

"We don't ask you to share about your one-night stands. You do that willingly." Dane laughed before diving into the pool. A bunch of Seals together meant a lot of time in the water. All of us felt a need to be near water. When Wyatt got this place, he built a ridiculous pool that was like 18ft deep in some parts. Ridiculous, but we all loved it.

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