One, Ehren

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2 Years, 4 Months Ago


"Later man, I've got to get home to Carson." Casey said standing up and throwing some cash on the bar. "See you on the next one." I nodded taking another sip of my drink before watching him walk to the door. Alone again.

I was the extra one the team, the outcast if you will. Granted we're all brothers, that'll never change, but Dane and Deegan do everything together, and even though Casey annoys the fuck out of Wyatt they're always together. I'm the one that just kind of tags along. Always considered the quiet one.

Always the one in the van, not on the front line. The one behind the computer, or flying the plane, the driver, the medic along with Casey. Highly trained in special ops I made BUD/S my bitch for being smaller than all the other guys. Sniper school was a freaking breeze, and shit, we even all went through other training that just was easy for me. I was born to do this and I was damn good at it. Still always put behind the scenes not on the front line. It sucked, but I was okay with it.

I was like the younger sibling they all had to take care of, except in this case I was barely a year younger than all of them. Also, they enjoyed picking on the fact that I was shorter and smaller than they were. I make fun of them for being mammoths, its brotherly love at its finest.

Being the outcast is what has me sitting alone on a Saturday night at a bar down the street from my apartment. I stood up with my drink and headed to take a piss. I nodded at the absolutely gorgeous girl that was walking towards me, she smiled and tucked some blonde hair behind her ear as her slate blue eyes, engulfed in makeup which made them pop like crazy, looked down then back up at me. I couldn't help but return that smile, and was about to say something when a guy tapped her shoulder and they started talking.

I continued on to the pisser, did my business, washed my hands, and headed back out. The girl was still in the same spot only this time she was pinned up against the wall and the guy was trying to shove his tongue down her throat.

"James, can you seriously not!" She yelled over the music while trying to push him away.

"Stop being a prude, it's just a bar." He slurred back.

"I'm not being a damn prude; I just don't want you touching me. I've told you so many times you just aren't my type. Can you just get it through your thick skull?" She went to push him again but he caught her wrists.

"Not your type? Why'd you agree to coming out tonight, knowing I'd be here and wearing that silky barely there, tank top slutting around the bar like this?" Her eyes went wide.

"Excuse me!" She pushed him harder this time and he still barely moved. "I'll seriously yell rape, get off of me James!"

"Or what? Going to call your dumb ass brother to come threaten me again? He ain't shit. Get over yourself and just put out already." Her eyes went even wider as the guy gripped up her ass. I cleared my throat causing him to look over.

"The lady has asked nicely enough for you to get your hands off her."

"Who the fuck, are you?" He spat in my direction. The girl looked at me and gave me a pleading look.

"He's my date, I told you I was coming here to meet someone." She rushed out.

"Scrawny guys your type now?" Jesus one of these fucking guys. I rolled my eyes.

"James, stop it."

"Just let her go man, go about your night. I'm sure there are plenty of ladies here that'll give you want you want." I took a sip of my drink as he glared at me.

"She's my friend. I'm sure you understand, no hard feelings and all that." He backed away just a little and slapped her on the ass before walking away laughing.

"Uggghh! He is ridiculous!" The girl looked up to the ceiling. "Sorry, about that date thing, and thank you for trying. He gets like that when he's drinking. I try to avoid him as much as possible."

"All good, I don't appreciate how most men treat women." I shrugged.

"I'm Lana, thank you again." I nodded.

"Ehren, let me at least buy you a drink." She bit her lip and nodded.

"I am with some friends though, if you want to join our table."

"Sure. I'll just get the next round then." I smiled so did she and it was beautiful. I followed her to the table watching her hips sway in the white jeans she had on, and just appreciating the view of her bare back.

"Ladies, this is Ehren, he's my hero of the night getting me away from James." She smiled back at me and I dipped around her to start saying hi but my throat about closed narrowing in on a woman that looked identical to Lana, except she was dressed in an old too big t-shirt, black jeans and sneakers. Basically, opposite of Lana and for some reason I felt a pull towards her. "This is Jesse, Tori, Heather, and Kristina, oh and Layla...yes she's my twin. I'm older though." Lana laughed. I shook hands with all the girls but had to move to the other side of Lana to reach Layla.

"I'm Ehren." I swallowed hard putting my hand out, she slid her dainty one in and smiled.

"Layla, nice to meet you." Her voice about knocked me off my feet. So, calming, soothing, and caught me completely off guard.

"Nice to meet you too." She slid over, they were in a big booth, and Lana took a seat on the opposite side leaving the only open seat next to Layla. I slid in next to her setting my drink down in front of me. Our thighs were almost touching and shit if I didn't feel that pull like my hair was standing on end anywhere that was close to touching her.

I bought a round of drinks for the girls and they all got up to dance except for Layla. She laughed at some lame joke I said and leaned into me. I leaned over to her ear so she could hear me over the music.

"Do you realize how beautiful you are?" I backed away to assess her reaction and it did not disappoint. She looked down, smiled, her tongue darted out to wet her lips then she lightly bit her lip. She shook her head three times and I slid my arm around her shoulders. "Well, you are." Her smile never left her face as I brushed some of her hair behind her ear.

"You aren't too bad yourself." I let out a small laugh as slid a little closer. I looked down for a second and when I looked back up at her she pressed her lips against mine. "Thank you." She said when she backed away, but not very far. I put my hand on the back of her neck and pulled her lips back to mine. I wasn't done and thankfully either was she. Sliding her hand against my cheek made a weird tingle go down my neck. She opened allowing both of us to explore one another's mouths lazily.

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