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"Hey, Clara?" I asked the spirit floating beside me.

She looked to me, humming in response. "Hmm?"

"Do you think William is still redeemable?" I asked.

Clara's stoic face dropped, a frown appearing on her face. "I did. That's why I brought him back for a second chance. But he's still the deceiving villain he was before." She sighed.

"He is... It hurts my heart to know that I even ever loved that man." I looked away.

"You were charmed by his disarming charisma, as was I. I guess being Mrs. Afton isn't such a dream, is it?" Clara chuckled.

"Yeah, I guess it isn't." I smirked up at the spirit. "What if I became Mrs. Schmitt instead?" I teased making Clara roll her eyes at me.

"Perhaps I become Mrs. (L/N)." She poked fun at me.

We laughed together, enjoying each other's company.

Henry walked in, holding blueprints for a new restaurant.

"Alright, Henry. Whatcha got for us?" I asked, rubbing my hands together. Excited to see Henry's plan.

"Call me cliché, but..." he rolled out his blueprint across the coffee table. "What if we build a restaurant?"

"Another one?!" I laughed. "Henry isn't this like the third one?"

"Fourth? I dunno." Henry shrugged. "Anyways. So I say we lure the animatronics to this fake restaurant and then we burn it to the ground."

I stared at him. "Henry thats... that's a brilliant idea! So we set the building on fire and then we leave the building safely, right?"

Henry looked at me with a distant look.

"..and then we leave the building safely... right??" I repeated myself, this time with skepticism laced in my voice.

"I.. I thought it would be best if we went down with everyone... I'd get to die with my Charlie.. you'd get to die with Evan and Elizabeth..." He smiled.

"I suppose so. That way we ain't hafta worry about any of this supernatural bullshit again."

"Yes, and maybe you could even get into heaven!" Clara put a hand on my shoulder.

I smiled up at her. "You think William will be there?"

"No." She deadpanned. "Absolutely not. The chances of him being there are so low that if he's actually there, then I'll give you a kiss on the lips."

"Ey how's about you give me a kiss anyways?" I teased her, earning a laugh from Henry.

Clara rolled her eyes, shooing me away with her hand. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever, (N/N)." She knew I hated that nickname. I cringed hearing it again after so long.

"Awww (N/N)!! I haven't heard that one in a while!" Henry cooed to spite me.

"Fuck off!" I playfully shoved Henry away. "Fuckin' Hendrick or something."

"Yeah, your comebacks are as weak as you." Henry scoffed, standing up and heading off to bed.

"Yeah? Well.. you're stinky!"

"Ouch, my ego!" Henry placed a hand over his heart, pretending to be hurt. "You're the one who's a walking corpse, dear!"

Before I could reply, Henry shut the door to his room.

"Imagine being alive!! You're the only one in this house who's still alive, Henry!! Being alive is lame! Being dead is cooler!" I shouted, hoping he could hear me through the walls.

"That's not exactly a good thing, (Y/N)!" Henry's voice was muffled through the walls, but I could hear the sound of victory in his voice.

"Man." I pouted as I flopped onto the couch in defeat.

Clara took a seat next to me, softly chuckling. "You haven't changed a bit since I died, have you?"

"Nah, not one bit." I relaxed into the couch. "You did, though. Now you're a badass ghost!"

"Thanks. And you're a cool ass corpse." She smirked at me.

"Yeah, doesn't sound as sick as a badass ghost. 'Cool ass corpse' just sounds like something a kid would say after finding a body." I said, making Clara roll her eyes.

I yawned, looking at the time, seeing it read 12:47 am.

"Alright, I'll take my leave now. I'm going to bed. Night Clara." I waved her goodnight and walked off to Henry's guest bedroom where I've been staying for the past few months.

An Eternity Well Spent (Sequel) || William Afton//SpringtrapWhere stories live. Discover now