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"Michael..." William grunted.

Micheal looked over at his father, surprised. "You didn't die, either?"

"I guess not..." He sighed. "But, since we're mending bridges here, I might as well join."

Michael squatted down and listened to his father.

"My son, I've been nothing but cold to you since you killed Evan." Michael opened his mouth to object before being interrupted. "So I owe you an apology. I'm sorry, my boy. I'm sorry for being so distant from you. I was angry at you for being so careless with your brother. But I see how much you've matured. And—god, you looked so much like me.. so handsome.. You've really grown up, Michael." William smiled.

William moved a pained hand to his son's face, holding it gently.

"Thank you, Father. It means a lot." Michael smiled through subtle tears.

A bright light appeared behind Michael, startling all three of us.

"What the.." Michael turned around, shielding his eyes from the light.

There stood Clara holding Cassidy's hand.

"See, Sweet thing? I told you they were redeemable." Clara said, softly to the girl.

Cassidy clung to Clara's hand, glaring an unsure look at William and I.

"Cassidy..." I sighed, seeing her. How could I have ever hurt this poor, innocent girl? "I'm so unbelievably sorry. I was so reckless.. and blind." I clenched my eyes shut, feeling immense shame.

The little girl walked up to me, grabbing my hands that laid in my lap, holding them so timidly.

"I know. I forgive you." She smiled.

"Now, don't you feel so much better, Sweet thing?" Clara chuckled, looking down at Cassidy with a caring look.

Cassidy nodded before claiming her place at Clara's side, holding her hand once again.

"Now that you've turned over a new bridge..." Clara smiled, "I believe you have mended all of the bridges you've burned. And for that, I believe you deserve to go onto the afterlife."

"You... you really mean it..?" I looked up at Clara with hope in my eyes.

The ghostly woman nodded, keeping her motherly smile on her face.

I looked over at William who'd been silent the whole time. "William! We can be with Lizzy and Evan again!!" I beamed with joy, looking over to Michael. "We can be a complete family!"

Michael smiled the biggest smile I'd ever seen him smile.

It seemed to good to be true, but it was. We were finally going to be able to be a complete family.

In a blink of an eye, I was back in the black void. I ran as quickly as I could to the end with the biggest smile on my face.

I got to the blinding light at the end of the long, dark tunnel and stepped into it.

An Eternity Well Spent (Sequel) || William Afton//SpringtrapWhere stories live. Discover now