12. A 12% Gift

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Chapter 12: A 12% Gift

Season 5: Episode 19

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"The Remorath are marauders" – said Deke to everybody, Jason, Fitz, Simmons, Piper, Davis and Wahl were on the computer seeing his explanation – "they're intergalactic scavengers with no planet of their own, so they just take from others and...wherever they go....darkness follows" – he explained

"Darkness? That's a little vague" – said May

"Well, it's not the concept of darkness, it's literal darkness" – answered Deke – "it follows them, because they're magic and they can see in the dark and we can't, so it makes them kill us better with...with their claws" – he explained

"Did you say: "claws"?" – Asked Jason

"Yeah, did I not mention the foot-long razor claws? Because, yeah" – said Deke

"Well, people in the future survive, there must be a way to stop them" – said May

"No, we didn't stop them" – declared Deke – "we just gave them whatever they wanted, then said thank you and...cleaned up the bodies after they left" – he trailed

"Reassuring...very" – said Jason awkwardly

"All right, this is no longer a siege, this is an evacuation" – said Coulson – "Fitz, Simmons, see if you can find a way to override the whole nuclear-contamination protocol" – he ordered – "we need to get the Zephyr airborne and out of here, preferably with the gravitonium and our people on board" – he added before turning to say something to Yo-Yo in there while Fitz and Simmons looked into something

"Coulson, I think we might have something" – said Fitz – "there's a...it's an analogue override on floor 17, it's the system I check after the beacon explodes, so I can rig up a bypass" – he explained

"All right, if we can get the hangar doors open and Deke and I can get the engines going, we're in business" – said Mack

"I'll ready the gravitonium for travel, we've got Jason, Piper and Davis here to help" – said Jemma – "and Fitz can take Agent Wahl for backup" – she added

"No, Simmons, you...you are the backup, you guys made a pledge not to leave each other's side, so I feel like-" – started to say Deke

"Well, we don't really have much choice" – interrupted Jemma

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