11. Don't Blink Out

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Chapter 11: Don't Blink Out

Season 5: Episode 19

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The team was reunited discussing their upcoming mission to stop "the end of the world" taking the gravitonium to space on the Zephyr One and destroy it in the sun, the room felt awkward after the craziness the team went so far with Ruby being killed, Hale escaping, Fitz and Simmons locking up Mack to escape with Yo-Yo and they being the reason Ruby got the gravitonium on the first place, Coulson leaving Daisy in charge and the team not trusting her much...but the tension build up quick between Daisy, Yo-Yo, Fitz, Jemma and Mack.

"Look, I did what I did, I'm not proud, but it was the right choice" – said Yo-Yo

"It was revenge" – said Daisy – "you let your emotions get the best of you, Ruby should be locked up and she's not the only one" – she accused

"All I did was kill the person called the Destroyer of Worlds" – countered Yo-Yo

"You don't make that decision" – said Daisy

"Then who does? You? We all have blood on our hands, why am I being singled out?" – said Yo-Yo getting mad at the group

"That's not what we do here, this is S. H. I. E. L. D., we protect" – said Mack

"She was a psychopath, ask Fitz" – said Yo-Yo defending her actions again

"Yeah, just look at his cracked rib" – said Jemma pointing at Fitz – "if you'd have seen what she was like-" – she started to say to support the woman

"I didn't get a chance" – interrupted Mack – "I was too busy screaming to be let out of a cell" – he accused remembering them that they locked him up

"Fitz shouldn't have even been there" – said Daisy

"We delayed their plan!" – said Jemma

"If we hadn't gone, Ruby would be free" – added Fitz

"But this isn't about the decision, is it? This is about not following your orders" – accused Yo-Yo at the inhuman girl

"It's about both" – said Daisy

"Well, we didn't pick you, Coulson made that decision and brought you back when he could have broken that loop right there!" – said Yo-Yo mad

"All right, stop it" – ordered Coulson annoyed by everybody – "Yes, I made that decision and I'll be making the rest today" – he said – "it's over, go do your jobs" – he ordered making everybody look at each other before walking away

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