4. Finally! A Mission

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Chapter 4: Finally! A Mission

Season 5: Episode 14

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After the encounter with his fear, Jason thought he would just leave that behind with ease, but he was still shaken up, thankfully Deke didn't approached him until very much later while he was sitting on the storage looking at the nothing inside one of the last boxes of the work he was doing.

"Hey!" – called out Deke entering the storage room and realized that the Asian male didn't answer and seemed to be staring at the box spaced out – "Jason?" – he called moving his hand to put it on the guy's shoulder who jumped and moved to grab the hand of the former scavenger ready to break it – "ok, ok, ouch, that hurts, stop" – he pleaded as the other male didn't let go until he looked up and gasped

"Deke" – gasped Jason letting the other male's hand – "oh god...I'm so sorry...I...I was just...fuck..." – he sighed before moving to inspect the hand of the time traveler who flinched a bit – "sorry..." – he repeated with a sad look

Deke looked at the agent with a mad look that he even forgot he came to share the news that he discover about his family, but then he looked at how sad the other looked after what he did that he decided not to hold grunges and soon dropped his mad look and reached with his hand to show it to the Korean male.

"I'm okay, look" – stated Deke and the agent looked at him in the eyes, so he smiled a bit to him to reassure him – "what happened? You don't look quite okay" – he asked

"I fought a fear" – said Jason with a sigh before reaching with his hand the other's hand again to look at it and gently touch the wrist and the muscles there to feel them and see if the other male was really alright – "I didn't meant to jump on you, but that fear left me pretty shaken" – he added while his eyes met the bearded male

"I guess the fear did a number on you, but I'm fine it just hurts a bit" – assured Deke with a smile – "the one I fought a Kree that killed my mom" – he added

"Seems like family affairs are our fears then" – joked Jason giggling awkwardly before sighing – "mine was my dad...he is the reason I have the titanium plate on the back of my head, it was satisfying to stand up to him...but also...I didn't needed that" – he explained looking to a side and without seconds to even digest what he shared he felt a pair of arms hugging him tight

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