Falling Birds and Receding Shores

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Falling Birds, Receding Shores

©2012, Olan L. Smith

Woe to feats of men, damnation upon their deeds,

They act blasphemously; they have cursed Your Face and have marred Your covenant,

With these irreverent acts they have damned your pure visage and marred Your covenant;       

'Tis the eve of their cruel demise, a dreaded end to time; December's withered weeds.

 Mighty Phoenix will thus fail to rise; its ashes enclose a supplicant.   

You will laugh and say, "T'was merely fireworks that cause the birds to fall;" it was collapse of creeds,

Broken guarantees, wing-ed and mortal creatures will fall to the Earth; plus one lone supplicant, Entertain five sure warnings of death; only five, no more before the disintegration of seeds;

Merely five ― only five, not one more before the demise of man; what now will you covet?


So fall down before tall gods and thus plead for their leniency, all you'll receive is thanatos;

Earthen stones will most surely moan for you that day and a third surely will parish by fire

Earthen stones will fracture by flames and shall shout "My Lord Helios, judgment is fire!"

Merely hours before you sang with pride, "The end is not close!"

And their pride tumbles down like a collapsing glacier, liar!

Tell your children that they are unsafe for the gods do so discern you as liar.

Therefore sulfur does burns your lungs, heed the written words of your dismal receding coasts

They destroy; they are murders and they take so much away in times of dire

Their own Images from space give testimony; it was not Us to cause your receding coasts.

You murderous fools you take away in times of dire.

A/N This is an ulalume style poem.  I was reading Poe and decided to try my hand at this style were many emotions bombard the reader in an almost relentless musically tone of rage, like gongs clashing, and lighting striking.  Ulalume was a poem that a preacher requested from Poe so the preacher could use it in a speech.  Poe's Ulalume has a very complex rhyming scheme, and his poem is much longer than this shortened version.

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