Chapter 5

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You know, it's quite funny, Luke is typically not the type of character I like, but since I added the trait of "flirt who is attracted to everyone and everything with no care about gender" he suddenly became a lot more fun.
Meet Luke, the raging bisexual.

I banged on the door to the cellar, screaming at them, hoping to be let out, hoping it wasn't too late, even though I knew it was. Even though I knew I was the only living being in miles. I pressed myself against the back corner of the dark room, avoiding the slowly growing puddle of blood seeping through the gap in the door, trying not to hear the mechanical drip- drop of it slowly making its way down the stairs to swallow me whole. In the back of my mind I knew it was a dream. Knew I wasn't back there, but no matter how hard I tried I couldn't open my eyes, couldn't wake up.
   Suddenly I'm lifted into a cold embrace. Somehow it feels safe.
   Soft hands stroked my hair, I could close my eyes. Could pretend I was somewhere else. Soft breaths ruffled through my long hair, the hand slipped down to cup my cheek and I felt sparks in my entire body from the touch. Mate. There was someone like that somewhere in the world for me. I cuddled up into the embrace, whispering the word.

When I woke up I looked around to see we were on solid ground again. Luke and Riven were sitting by a tiny campfire, Riven was smiling to himself and Luke was idly grilling some sort of wildlife over the fire. I dusted myself off and went over to sit with them, receiving a smile from each of them. The place was beautiful. It was in an opening from a forest stretching as far as my eyes could see, right at the base of a light grey mountain. Even then, in the late summer I could see white snow on its tall top. The river we had traveled in was just a few meters away and everything was green around me.
"What is this place?" I asked.
"The northeastern corner of the country. Not many come around here, especially not humans. I stayed here for a period before I met you and ms. Bloomsbury." Riven said. "The only living being you'll find except the wildlife might be dwarves lurking in the mountains, maybe a witch or two looking for herbs." I nodded. I hadn't managed to wrap my head around what had happened, or who the dark figures were that day, but they likely wouldn't follow us here. I thought of my dream, the soft cold hands.
   "Have either of you found your mates?" I asked curiously. The reaction from the two males were unexpected: Riven froze up and looked at the ground, and Luke burst out laughing.
   "You... guys are... dumb." He huffed between laughs. Riven shot him an annoyed look and I just looked questioningly at him. I saw Rivens lips move, trying to communicate with the werewolf without me hearing. Obviously however, elves have pointed ears for a reason.
   "Dog. Shut up. She can't know." I was confused, and Luke burst into an even bigger fit of laughter.
   "So dumb." He mumbled under his breath. I turned to Riven.
   "What can't I know?" Rivens eyes widened.
"What are you?" Shit. Not this again. I thought, but answered:
"You first. What do you not want me to know?" Riven seemed flustered, his face and ears were red and he looked at the ground.
   "I can't... unless you tell me." He mumbled.
   "Well... I'm not human." He finally stopped looking down to stare at me. "I only have memory of meeting one person like me. I pointed at the fire, making the flames grilling the meat turn into the shapes of tiny people, making them walk around and dance on top of the meat. I slowly pulled my finger back, while placing my other hand flat in the air- making a path of condensed air for them to step on, and they all came in a row through the air towards me. I let them dance around me and then jump back into the fireplace as if it was a pool of water, then put my hands out. I knew my eyes were glowing silvery white as I looked at them, both staring with their mouths hanging open at me.
   "Are you... witch?" Luke asked.
   "No. I'm a high elf." It was silent for a few moments.
"And..." Riven starts. "And I'm your mate." I blinked. Once, twice. What? I reached over to my right where Riven sat, lightly placing two fingertips on top of his hand- instantly there are sparks traveling up my arm. Oh. Oh mother. ("Mother" doesn't mean her biological mother but the primary elven god, mother nature.)
I took a deep breath and held his hand, smiled at him. He looked at me wide-eyed, as if he had expected disappointment or anger, And grinned. He cupped my cheek in his other hand and pressed his lips to my forehead. I smiled, thanked mother nature for her gift. Right then Luke clears his throat.

A/N okay, I know it's a couple words shorter than my normal length, but I just had to bully you guys a little bit with a tiny cliffhanger.

Thank you for reading!
I'll post the next chapter soon!

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