Chapter 2

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My ears still rang from Evas screams, she was pretty, but dang did she have some pipes. We left quickly when hooded figures started approaching. They smelled weird, but somehow vaguely familiar, even though I was sure I didn't recognize any of their individual smells. We were currently heading east, following batboy. He had mentioned something about a place we could stay in the mountains, but I wasn't listening too much. We kept walking, even in the dark. Me and the bloodsucker both knew it: we weren't safe. Something was wrong, someone was following us. Eva hadn't spoken since we left the house, but her dark vision seemed just as good as mine and batboy's. I wondered what she was. It wasn't likely that she was human with the pointed ears and the good dark vision, but what was she? I had seen no sign of wings or feathers, so not a harpy, her skin had a warm undertone, and she had neither scales nor gills, so she wasn't a water creature. I gasped, grabbing her arm, causing her to flinch slightly.
"Don't tell me... Show me your teeth!" Please tell me I wasn't stuck with two bloody bats! Her eyes met mine, and there was pain and annoyance in them, she probably wished she could have saved them. She opened her mouth and thankfully her teeth were normal, rounded. Not a vampire.
"Thank the lord." I mumbled, ignoring both of their annoyed stares. I had been confused when I first met them, but I now understood, they were my mates. Both of them. I kept walking as I looked at them. Riven was extremely tall and thin, but quite beautiful for a male. I had never thought of the possibility of having a male mate, but didn't mind, it wasn't like I hadn't had nice sex with both genders.
I looked at Eva and found myself staring, again. Eva was likely the most beautiful female I had ever seen, I had thought so even before I realized she was my mate. Her pale skin shimmered in the moonlight, and her golden hair flowed in the wind, almost looking beautifully white thanks to the silvery moonlight. Riven knew he was her mate, I had realized after a few days at the orphanage. His eyes were always trailing her, making sure she was safe and happy. There was love in his eyes, like none I had ever seen before. Love so deep I knew he would kill and be killed for her. It made me want him to look at me in the same way.

Lucas was storming ahead, still holding Eva's wrist. He didn't seem to realize the pain she felt. Hadn't noticed the bruises on her fragile skin from every impact. He should realize humans don't work like we do, at least he hadn't shifted, hadn't put her through the shock of having her world ripped apart, though he was getting dangerously close with some of his questions. I wanted to pull her back against my chest, make him let go of her bruised arm, but getting involved with a vampire wouldn't do her any good, and would cause me more pain when she dies. I wouldn't have more than eighty years with her, and that's if I was lucky, humans died very easily. A wound I would call annoying would be severely life threatening to her. I shaked my head. Thinking about it wouldn't change things. We were starting to approach the river, and cleaning off seemed quite appealing right now. We all smelled heavily of smoke, and were probably quite easy to track at the moment. The other two would need food soon, and I was getting dangerously thirsty.
When we got close enough I knew we could both smell the river, I stopped.
"We are heading upstream of the river, to hide our tracks. Make sure to wash off properly." Before I could say more Luke rushed out of the woods, immediately pulling his shirt off, and turned back to me and Eva, who were simply staring at the nonchalance. It had been clear before too, but Luke was well built, and tanned. I noticed a tattoo on his upper back, black ink shaping a symbol, probably a pack mark. "Like what you see?" He mused, probably to Eva, who shrugged but pulled off her dirty blouse. I started realizing how bad of an idea this had been. Eva was untying her skirt while Luke got into the river. I just stood in there dumbfounded. I just took a deep breath and buttoned my shirt off. Unlike Luke I was really skinny. There was no muscles or tan in sight, I had hoped the job at the blacksmiths would bulk me up a bit, but nothing had changed. I avoided removing my pants, and waded into the water where Luke was splashing and Eva was washing her arms, face and clothes. Her white undershirt was sheer in the water, and it wasn't easy not to look. I realized Luke though had no shame whatsoever, looking us both up and down. Stupid dog.
"I'm done cleaning." Eva said, keeping her eyes on her stuff. She pulled out the sack ms. Bloomsbury had given her, pulling out a small flask with a relieved smile. She swallowed a bit of the flasks contents, and made a disgusted face as she put it back in the pouch. I chuckled a little and looked to Luke, wait, where was he- splash. Straight in my face. I had been trying to keep my hair dry. Luke was way too close suddenly.
"Dog." I muttered as I loosened the tie on my hair. I needed to cut it I realized as it went down to my collarbones.
"I could turn, and you'd be even wetter." Idiot. What if Eva heard him? I pressed my hand to his mouth and checked if Eva was paying attention, when the stupid dog licked my hand. I hissed in sheer discomfort, pulling my hand back and hitting him loosely on the top of his head.

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