12 - graduation and salutation

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"Excited?" Edward asked pandora.

"Nervousness all around," she replied. "You?"

"Excited for this all to be over," he whispered into her ear. She smiled and took her seat in the back of the class, as her last name was Parker. Naturally, Swan had to be the closest last name to her, and was seated next to Bella for the entire ceremony.

"Edward Cullen," the speaker announced. He stood up and did the stereotypical graduation things. Awkwardly walking to the stage? Check. Shaking hands? Check. Moving the tassel on the cap to the other side? Check.

"Pandora Parker."

A huge applause and cheer broke out, one that was completely unexpected. The entire Gemini Coven was there. Pandora didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so her body decided to do both. She walked up to grab her diploma, her gaze flicking to Edward's for a moment, who seemed to be watching her contently. For the most part, she watched the family members she hadn't seen in months or years.

After the ceremony, Alice had convinced the rest of the Cullens to have the graduation party at their house. The coven would keep Pandora from attending, however. They celebrated in the safe house, but Pandora knew it was all a false front. She was waiting for the other shoe to drop, and drop it did.

"Kai's out. And we've tracked him back to around this area. We think he's coming for you," her father stated.

Pandora groaned. "Impeccable timing."

"Why's that?" Her father asked.

"Because there's already going to be a vampire revenge attack. I don't need Kai to resurrect me from that and kill me again."

"We need to leave," her aunt suggested. "Get as far away from Forks, Portland, Seattle as we possibly can."

"Seattle?" Pandora questioned.

"That's the place we last tracked him to," her father explained.

"Holy shit."


"So that's probably why Alice hasn't been able to see anything. It isn't Victoria calling the shots, it's Kai." Pandora explained.

The room was full to capacity with the Cullens, the Gemini coven, and the tribe.

"We'll need to make preparations faster than I intended to. We have a few cards up our sleeve. Neither Kai nor Victoria know that the tribe is with us. Will Kai be expecting your coven to back up pandora?" Carlisle asked.

That was the question of the century. The Gemini coven didn't really like confrontation. Especially with a maniac who has brought impeccable destruction upon their family before.

"They don't know if they'll even be backing Pandora up yet," Edward snarled. "They're undecided."

The room erupted into arguments. The Gemini coven claimed nobody knew the full story of the devastation he brought upon their family, and the tribe called them cowards.

"Quiet!" Carlisle yelled. It was at that moment that pandora learned to truly admire Carlisle. He was such a natural born leader, commanding the attention of anyone in the vicinity. "We'll begin training tomorrow. Jasper will teach you all how to fight against an army of newborns, and we'll also discuss strategy. In anyone has any objections, they are welcome to leave."

"We'll begin training tomorrow," Jasper said with a grin.

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