11 - victoria plans vengeance

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"I didn't see her coming," Alice began.

They were all at the Cullen house. The Cullens themselves, Pandora, Bella, and the whole tribe.

"Maybe she didn't make any decisions, maybe it was mere coincidence," Edward suggested.

"Maybe Bella's seeing things. I mean she did jump off a cliff, is it really so wrong to question her sanity?" Rosalie asked, and the tribe growled in response. Pandora stifled a laugh. She thought it was funny when Rosalie insulted people she liked even less than pandora.

"It's not the time to pick fights between us. We have to assume Victoria was actually here, for safety purposes." Carlisle reasoned.

Long story short, pandora got roped into cloaked Bella in a concealment charm. It made her feel like she was betraying her own family. Then she remembered her actual family didn't give a shit about her, and that her current family was asking her to protect someone. The Cullens were relying on her. She wasn't used to it, and it felt nice.

Alice was committed to watching Victoria's moves more closely, and if any move was made, further precautions would be taken. Precautions that included using pandoras safe house for Bella. Precautions that Pandora wasn't too happy about.


Days passed into days, weeks into more weeks, until eventually some were convinced Bella had just imagined seeing Victoria. But pandora didn't lower the concealment charm. After all, there'd be no reason to. Unless of course pandora wanted to intentionally victimize Bella by putting her at risk. Tempting, but no.

Spring break came and passed, and graduation seemed to be a scary reality. It was just another day in the life of a Cullen, but to pandora, it was something entirely different. She wasn't sure what she wanted to do after graduation. Her grades had always been good, but the idea of college didn't appeal to her. She hated school. Why would she put herself through more of it? Perhaps a gap year would help her figure that out.

Besides, she had enough to worry about right now. A series of unexplained attacks kept occurring in Seattle. Which of course, usually unexplained meant supernatural, which put everyone in a tense mood. Plans were set in place for if those in Seattle ventured closer to forks. Pathetically, pandora wrote a will. She knew if it came down to it, she'd fight. But she knew she might not be strong enough to make it out of whatever fight might occur.

"What're you thinking about?" Edward asked as they lay in the meadow.

"Life," she replied vaguely with a laugh, making him chuckle.

"What about it?"

"The typical teenage stuff. Where do I go to college? Do I even want to? Or would I rather buy a van and road-trip the US?"

"All things to think about," he commented.

She sighed. "And then the supernatural things. Will the fight come to Forks? Am I ready to die?"

He turned on his side to look at her. "I won't let you die."

"Since when did life give you the title of executioner?"

"Let me rephrase that. I will do everything in my power to keep you alive."

"I know," she reassured. "It just sucks that it might not be enough, depending on what we might be dealing with."

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