Truth Or Dare? [oneshot]

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TW: swearing :/

It was a rather sunny day and a group of states decided to go to the beach, to relax and for once not worry about work or how the country is doing as a whole. It was originally just going to be some of the western states, mainly Texas, Oklahoma, and the Carolinas, as all of them wanted to barbeque and fish. Or in Texas's case, fight Oklahoma as soon as he drops his guard. Eventually, California and Florida figured out what was happening and got some other people [Louisiana, Maryland, Connecticut, and DC] to join in a trip that just "accidentally" fell on the same day Texas's trip happened.

"Whoops! oh no, what a shame", Florida smiled as he turned toward Texas, "I guess we're just all going to have to get along, that's so sad- I was really looking forward to having fun at the beach!"

"Florida, I cannot believe you." Texas glared at the other whilst taking off his shirt, "You just have to follow me around and make my life hell, don't ya."

"Aww, Texas! That's not what you really think of me right? I would never do something like that to you, never ever!"

"What about last weekend?"

Louisiana walked over and rested one of his arms on Florida's shoulder, "Sha, you should know dis by now but, me and Flo last weekend? Didn't exactly plan on running into youse at dat fair."

"Oh, never fucking mind. Just leave me alone." Texas sighed, "And don't do anything lovey-dovey around me, I don't want to see that stuff."

Florida paused, a very confused look on his face, "What do you mean lovey-dovey? Louie and I, aren't together?"

"Wait, you two aren't together? Well fuck, I was certain you were."

Both Florida and Louisiana's faces flushed and the two of them looked at anything but each other. Texas laughed and walked off, planning on dumping some ice down Okhlahoma's shirt, that was bound to annoy him.

Florida smiled after a minute or two then tapped Louisiana on the shoulder, "Hey! Race you to the water!"  He then sprinted towards the ocean while Louisiana followed, yelling about how it was "unfair" he got a headstart. When the duo reached the water, they were out of breath and just flopped down in the sand. Neither of them noticed when Florida started resting his head on the other's shoulder, or when the two of them started holding hands, they were too distracted laughing and talking to each other.

The duo stayed where they were for a while, just enjoying each other's company whilst the states around them started fighting- or making kissing noises while looking at Florida and Louisiana. At some point, California was talking to DC and said "Ya know Dee- Florida, and Louisiana are really close, but Texas said that they claimed to not be dating."

"Wait actually?" DC seemed rather shocked, "Because, in the meetings, as you know, they're basically clinging to each other at all times, and a bunch of people have walked in on them cuddling and stuff."

"Yeah actually! They say they aren't dating, it's crazy man."

Florida overheard their conversation and his face flushed, and when Louisiana asked if he was alright, all he could do was nod and hide his face. After a bit, he smiled and hugged Louisiana, "Hey I'll be right back! Gonna talk to Cali!"

"Alright sha, I'll still be here." Louisiana smiled and ruffled Florida's hair, "Have fun causing chaos!"

"I will!" Florida ran over to California and grinned, "Hey dude, I had an idea!"

"Oh gods, what's your idea?"

"Three words, truth. or. dare."


Florida sighed, "Oh come on! Pleaseee? I'll buy you Disney stuff!"

"Fine. Let's get everyone else."

"Fuck yeah!"

Eventually, all the states at the beach were sat in a circle playing truth or dare, don't ask how California and Florida convinced everyone to join, they don't know either. Almost everyone had been asked at least one question, mainly it was a bunch of people making jokes about Florida and Louisiana and said two states getting super flustered and denying everything. Then, the dare happened. 

"Hey Louisiana, I dare you to kiss the most handsome person here in the next hour."

"What." Louisiana's face flushed slightly, "I can't just, do dat y'all."

Florida smirked, "But Louie! A dare's a dare!"

"Fair 'nough sha."

After that many of the states went back to messing around with each other in the ocean, but Florida and Louisiana stayed on the sand, casually holding hands while Louie talked about witchcraft and how cool it is. Every so often Louisiana glanced around to see if any of the other states were paying attention to the duo [they weren't] and every time he looked around, he either squeezed Florida's hand or moved closer to the other without realizing, not that Florida minded at all [in fact, he quite liked it].

Eventually, the two of them were right next to each other, close enough that if he wanted to, Florida could kiss Louisiana, not that he would do that at all. Louisiana's just his best friend, nothing more! Unless... NO! Nothing more!

Louisiana sighed and then whispered, "Flo? Remember dat dare I got?"

"Yeah, of course, I do- is there someone you want me to help set you up with?"

"NO! No! There's nobody dat you need to set me up with, but uh- on a scale of one to ten, how uncomfortable would you be if I asked to kiss you?" Louisiana stared at the ground and let go of Florida's hand, his face slightly red as he continued, "Nevermind, I know dis is dumb, I could just find someone else to do dat dumb dare wit, so-"

He was interrupted by Florida tackle hugging him while giggling, "Louie I promise this isn't dumb, and since it's for a dare I don't mind at all!" Not that Florida would mind at all in any scenario, but shh. 

Louisiana smiled and sat up, then whispered a quick "Are you sure it's okay dat I do dis?" and once Florida nodded and responded with a very quiet "Of course!"

Louisiana kissed him, it was a quick kiss, since it was a dare and everything, but it left both of them extremely flustered and surprisingly happy. The two of them thought nobody had noticed since everyone else was distracted messing around in the water, but when Florida glanced at the others, Maryland pointed at Louisiana and winked, which left Florida even more flustered. 

Now if Louisiana and Florida held hands for the rest of the time everyone was at the beach, that would be nobody's business right? And so what if Louisana lied and claimed he failed to complete that dare, no big deal, and nobody had to know the truth, right?


1110 words :3

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