Chapter 3 (Her POV)

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I just woke up and I'm at this huge house, the man kidnapped me took all of my belongings here and is forcing me to stay here but he's only doing it for the baby which broke my heart a little right now it's 3:58AM I'm in I think appears to be his room I'm 1 month pregnant I think it's a Saturday and normally that day is for me to read and me time so im going to go find the library he showed me earlier and read some romance books.

I just picked out a few books to read and I'm start on one that's suppose to be really good I was on this spicy scene until I felt a hot breath on my neck "is that what you want?" I turn around and see someone about 6'0 with blonde hair and he's wearing a tux, "eyes up here." he says noticing I was staring at him he puts a finger under my chin to make me directly look at him

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