Saudi Arabia

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The second race of the season was over, and the adrenaline was still coursing through Carlos's veins. He stood waiting at the hotel elevator, Charles beside him. "Two and three," he said, almost trying to bring himself back down to reality, "not too shabby."

"Ferrari is so lucky to have us," Charles quipped.

"Damn right. We should thelebrate!"

"Our flight to Melbourne is tomorrow, are you sure?"

"Come on, we detherve it."

Charles caved. "Ok, what were you thinking?"


"Bowling?!?" Charles said in mock surprise.

"Yeth! I like bowling!" Carlos replied, elbowing Charles gently.

"Ok, then let's go bowling."

"I call driving." Carlos said, pulling his keys out of his jean pocket. He threw them in the air and caught them by the ring, the glossy Ferrari logo facing up.

"Damn, that was smooth," Charles laughed, as they walked towards the parking garage.

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After finding a pair of clown-ass bowling shoes for each of them, they took their lane. Carlos was up first. Strike!

"Well now I see why you wanted to go bowling," Charles said.

"I told you, I like it."

"Well I like painting, but I'm still shit at it."

"I'm thure you're fine. I jutht bowled a lot ath a kid," Carlos explained. He threw his second ball. 8 pins went down.


"It was like, the common birthday party activity. I got beat on my own birthday and vowed to take revenge," Carlos said, picking up a purple ball and rolling down the lane. The final two pins went down.

Charles laughed. "I spent every birthday at the go-kart track."

"Boring!" Carlos sat back down.

"Hey, it paid off. I'm winning now, aren't I?" Charles teased, standing up to take his turn.

"Yeah but you really lotht at childhood."

Charles picked up the ball and positioned himself in front of the line. "Well, didn't you practice a lot too?" He sent the ball careening down the lane, it flew into the gutter at a break-neck speed.

"Yeth, but not on my birthday. It wathn't like that for me."

Charles turned to pick up another ball and set his feet like before.

"Here, let me show you," Carlos interjected, suddenly on his feet. "Bend your kneeth a little, you need to thtep forward when releathing." Charles followed his instructions. He moved to swing again. "Wait! Keep your upper body ath thtill as pothible." He put his hand over Charles's, guiding the ball and Charles in one fluid motion. "Like that." He stepped back, allowing Charles to practice the motion on his own. "Yeah, you got it!"

Charles let the ball go and it sailed down the lane slower, but much more smoothly. 8 pins were knocked down. "Haha! I did it!" Charles cheered, pumping his fist in the air. Carlos couldn't help but think he looked cute being so happy like that.

Even with Carlos's coaching, Charles was still lost horribly. While Carlos had accumulated rows of strikes, Charles hadn't even broken 50 points. "This is depressing," he announced when he had rolled his last turn that amounted to 7 total pins, "I need a snack."

"I vote for Nacho frieth," Carlos said, looking a bit too smug. The two made their way to the American-style eatery behind the lanes. They sat on opposite sides of the booth and were handed menus right away. "Ooh, milkshakes," Carlos eyed the back of the menu.

"I would love to resist, but I can't, not after that terrible loss," Charles said, picking out the vanilla milkshake. Carlos ordered chocolate. The conversation came to a halt when the food was delivered. Lost in delicious flavor, neither had much to say.

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The yellow lines ticked past him on the road. Charles tried to concentrate on them, but all he could think about was Carlos's hand on his. The gentle touch as he taught him how to bowl. Suddenly he noticed the red brake lights right in front of him. He hadn't noticed the truck in front slow down. He slammed the brakes. Without thinking, he reached across to the passenger seat to protect Carlos. Even after the SEXY BLACK SLEEK Ferrari screeched to a stop, he didn't move his arm, unaware of the fact that his hand was on Carlos's humongous man boob. (Moob if you will)

He looked over at the passenger seat to see if Carlos was hurt, only to be met with laughter. Quickly noticing his hand placement, he whipped his hand away and started apologizing.

"No, no itth fine," Carlos interrupted, still laughing, "thurprisingly thath not the first time itth happened." Charles's embarrassment slowly turned into laughter.

"I can imagine, with those mommy milkers," he said, staring at Carlos's objectively mountainous boobies.

Carlos slapped his arm. "Okay thtart driving before we get a ticket," Carlos said, smiling and shaking his head.

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After bowling, a late night snack, and a frankly stressful car-ride, both Charles and Carlos were ready for sleep. Back in the hotel, they stood in the elevator, elevating, and began to discuss the Australian Grand Prix. "Do you think we're gonna thee a kangaroo?" Carlos asked.

"I don't know, I'm not the kangaroo police," Charles attempted to joke.

"How doeth it feel being the funnietht perthon in the world?" Carlos retorted.

"Pretty good. I just like to see you smile," Charles responded. All the sarcasm had left his tone and he was staring at Carlos with a warm sincerity that caught him off guard. Their eyes locked. Carlos felt himself step forward. Charles was so close Carlos could practically feel his breath. Maybe it was a trick of the light, but Carlos swore he saw Charles' eyes flick down to his lips. He leaned closer.

There came a ding and the elevator doors slid open. Two teenage girls, a wasian and a brown girl, stepped into the elevator. Carlos pulled away instantly, turning away from Charles to try and hide how flustered he was. The girls were whispering to one another. OH GOD OH GOD THEY SAW, was all he could think.

"...but with the extra credit it'll bring my grade up to a B," the red-haired girl was saying.

"Oh, that's good!" The brunette offered her support.

"Yeah, but I thought I did so much better on this test," replied the wasian girl.

"That sucks. Anyway, guess what I realized in English class today?"

"Omg is it that your English teacher has a really fat ass?" The girls started laughing, and all Carlos could think was, OH THANK GOD. Carlos felt his stomach unknot itself and he was able to gain some composure.

Carlos and Charles stepped out of the elevator and waited for the door to close before their eyes met once again. Carlos smirked, his eyes panning down on Charles. "I bet her Englithh teacher doethn't have ath fat of an athh ath you."

"Damn right," Charles responded. They grinned at each other a moment longer before parting ways.

"Goodnight!" Carlos called as he disappeared into his hotel room.

"Buenas noches," Charles called back. He closed his hotel room door behind him, pausing to overthink once again. What have I gotten myself into?

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