Am I in trouble?

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J:Listen y/n i wanted to talk about what happend few days ago 'he says as he
closes the door

Y:Im not in track what happend?The words just sliped throu your mouth as you start to get nervous and anxious

J:You know who Bella is well few days ago i was about to knock on Jaylas door because i wanted to ask you if you want to go get food with me...and well as soon as i opend the door Bella jumped on me and kissed me.

I was so shocked i froze.Jaden walked in on us and we started to argue.He said that ill pay for this.In the moment i remember you and i tought maybe its not too late if you dont get too atached to me maybe it will  hurt less when you find out.But i hurt you anyways and i sorry.'

As you tried not too cry uncotuisly youre leg started bouncing up and down.
Y:No... I should be sorry .I was hurt by
you ignoring me when your brother came to me this morning and asked  if I want to fake date him to hurt you.He told me that you made out with Bella on purpouse and i was so hurt and angry that I agreed.Minutes later i regreted it.He made me theese in hope you will se them but only thoughts in my head were that all this is just so wrong .I dont like Jaden he is great frend but he manipulated me .So now both of us have done some thing wrong.

J:That little bich im gonna-
Y:No youre not  gonna do anything Wanna.Its all over im gona end this as soon as i can .Okay?

J:Yea but i have a question
J:Would you like to sleep in my room from now?Maybe its better because 1)floor is not comfy and by two Jayla doesnt seem to notice youre nightmares
and i saw that it hard for you to go throu that all alone
'Well this was unecpected but he got the point i just need to end all this shit with Jaden right now.I love Javon and i saw in his eyes how hurt he was when i told him about Jaden .This has to end'
Y:I just need to do something first...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2022 ⏰

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