[Operation Zane~Chan]

74 3 12

[Y/N Has Joined The Chat]

[Rebecca Has Joined The Chat]

[Aphmeow Has Joined The Chat]

Y/N: So, anyone got any answers for us?

What happened?

If nothing happened... well that's disappointing... 

Garroth: As a matter of fact, something DID happen


Rebecca: Two twins - one mind!

Aaron: Hang on before telling them, imma do something...

[KC Has Been Banned From The Chat For '1 Hour']

[Zane Has Been Banned From The Chat For '1 Hour']

Aphmeow: Perfect!

Y/N: OOh! Tell us!

Rebecca: What was it?

Trashvis: I'm shivering in excitement!

Dante: Is it really cold Trash?


Y/N: So what happened?

Cadenza: I'm all ears!

Laurance: Same! Even tho I know what happened!

Rebecca: Aww it's the Zvahl siblings!~

Katelyn: Just let me explain! 

Don't interrupt me! (ง︡'-'︠)ง

Garroth: Alright, so after Zane logged off and whatever, he grabbed his jumper and left the room.

Katelyn: So did KC!

Aaron: So we followed them without them knowing...

Katelyn: And they went to Aph and KC's maid cafe!

Y/N: So Aphmau and KC own a maid cafe?

Aphmeow: Yeah the cafe is new, anyway! Please continue!

Katelyn: The three of us just presumed that they were going on another shift

Aaron: But they didn't!

Garroth: Yeah! They went to the staff lounge and just talked to each other

Y/N: Wait what?

Rebecca: I agree with Y/N here. WAIT WHAT?

Trashvis: That's BORING!

Katelyn: Exactly! 

That was it!

Aphmeow: I say that we should get KC and Zane togehter

Y/N: *face fuming up* *together

And yes we should

Rebecca: It would be AWESOME!

Garroth: Who's the closest to Zane and KC individually?

Aphmeow: I'd say Beca

Dante: Beca is REALLY close to both of them

Garroth: I said individually

Y/N: I don't know much about Zane or KC in general, so I'm knocked out

Rebecca: Zane hates Trashvis, Dante and Laurance, and probs Garroth too so not them

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