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"He's not gonna open his eyes. I had him sedated as best as I could, as safely as I could, and as effectively as I could given my fairly basic knowledge. He's not gonna be able to do much until it wears off. He may be awake, but his eyelids are probably gonna be super heavy. He'll be fighting off sleep. You'll be lucky if you can get him to say much of anything." MinHo states casually as he starts to collect the supplies he'd brought with him. I relax a bit as his hands leave my head and all I'm left with is a bit of a burning sensation and a slight ache.

"I already started to ween him off of it. He should completely come to later tonight. He's doing a lot better now that he's gotten rest. There was a reason I kept you away from him for an entire day." MinHo chuckles as Chan quickly climbs into the bed next to me. He pulls me close and rests my head on his chest.

Truthfully, my head doesn't hurt nearly as bad as it did before. The only reason it's sore right now is because MinHo took the stitches out and cleaned it. I know he was hoping I slept through it all, but I didn't. I didn't make it obvious though. I did everything I could to make it seem as if I was truly still sleeping. Now though—now I can 'wake up'.

"He's out of the danger zone now, right? It's been a week—he won't turn now—will he?" Chan's voice is hesitant, almost as if he doesn't want to know the answer.

"I doubt it. Usually they turn within the first five hours—twenty-four at the very most. I'm pretty sure he's in the clear. His infection is clearing up. His cut looks a million times better. As soon as the sedatives wear off and he can stand on his own, he should be fine to help with the little ones. No combat for at least a few weeks though." MinHo reassures him as I groan softly. I don't want to hear anymore. The mention of me turning makes my stomach churn. It sends me back to that first dream.

I take a shaky breath and weakly ball my fingers up around Chan's shirt. I killed him. In that first dream, I tore his throat out. I ate every inch of his precious body as if it were a five course meal. All while weeping in the soles of my feet.

"What's wrong, Binnie?" Chan questions softly as he tucks my unruly hair behind my ear. It's been overdue for a cut for at least a month, but I never had time. I can only imagine what it looks like after a week of laying in bed.

"Ki—killed you." The words come out as a broken sob. It takes so much strength just to get those two out, that there's no way I'll be able to get more out any time soon.

"Killed me? Binnie—you didn't kill me—why would you say that? I'm right here. I'm okay. Nothing's wrong with me." Chan grows a bit uneasy as he tries to decipher my words.

I hadn't intended on freaking him out. I wanted to tell him about the horrible nightmares I had. I killed him over and over again until I grew to expect it. His pained face. The blood he coughed up. The disappointment in his beautiful chocolate eyes. I will never be able to look at him the same again.

"Relax. He probably had a nightmare. Those are common—remember—he woke up. He knows now. When the monsters turn to people, it's hard not to have nightmares." MinHo reminds Chan and he seems to relax a bit beneath me, but he's still concerned. It's obvious from the way he holds me close and rubs at my back.

"Yell for me once he's able to talk a bit more and open his eyes. I took the tube out this morning, so he should get some actual food in his stomach as soon as he can." MinHo mumbles before the sound of his heavy work boots fades into the hall.

Chan doesn't say a word for awhile. We just sit there in silence. His warm arms wrapped securely around me. My chest presses against his broad chest. The nothingness that fills the air is strangely comforting. I wouldn't want to change a thing, but I know it can't last. Not now.

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