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I groan softly and the arms around me tighten. The low hum of absentminded chatter makes my head throb. They all fall silent as I shift in someone's lap. My legs are stiff. My neck hurts. I'm thirstier than I've ever been before. I'm starving and feel weak. Yet the grasp on me makes me feel safe and at home.

I feel fingers digging around my hair. A soft whimper leaves my lips as they ghost over the most sensitive spot on the back of my head. They immediately pull away and I can just barely make out a soft sigh.

"He's doing better than I thought he'd be. He's not good, but he doesn't seem to be in critical condition. Some antibiotics, food, water, and lots of rest should do him." MinHo's voice manages to cut through the tangle of voices and fuzzy noise.

"He's not going to rest. Even when he does he doesn't sleep well. He wakes up trembling." Chan exposes me in hopes of getting advice on how to help me.

"Sleeping pills. I can sedate him temporarily if I need to. Enough about that—right now he needs to eat and drink. He's awake. There's no way in hell he isn't after I had to mess with his head." MinHo instructs as Chan shifts me in his lap.

"Binnie, you need to eat something." Chan mumbles softly as he rubs at my back.

I let out a shaky breath before forcing my eyes open. I was hoping I'd be able to hide them from the others. They have to be super red and puffy from all my crying. MinHo frowns as he notices, but doesn't say a word. He holds out a bag of dried strawberries and a bottle of water.

"It's not much—you truthfully need a four course meal—but it's all we have with us. We dropped almost all of the food at the base then came out after you again, so there wasn't too much left in the truck." MinHo watches me open the bag and take one out. I pop it in my mouth and lean back against Chan.

My eyes wander around to take in the others while MinHo starts putting his med kit back together. JeongIn sits in the front seat playing with the one of our shared Switches. I can't really make out what game it is, my sight is a bit blurry from all my crying.

"Innie?" I mumble and he immediately turns to face me. Worry settles deep in his eyes as he sees my weak state.

"Yeah, Hyung?" JeongIn responds softly. I can't help but chuckle. Hyung? We haven't used honorifics in so long. There's no point. We're all on the same level when it comes to living in a zombie ridden world.

"What are you playing?" I point toward the gaming device in his hands and he glances down at it.

"Oh—Jinnie and I are playing Stardew Valley." JeongIn holds it out for me and I set my food and water aside to take it from him. Before I can even look at the screen, MinHo snatches it from me and hands it back to JeongIn.

"He can't look at it. His mind needs rest and that'll only make it work harder." MinHo's words are gentle, his tone is anything but that of someone scolding the younger boy, even though that's typically what he'd do.

"Sorry—I didn't know." JeongIn apologizes as he lowers his head.

"I'm not blaming you. I was just telling you. Don't get upset." MinHo leans forward and squeezes JeongIn's shoulders reassuringly.

"Why's SeungMin driving?" I turn my attention to the boy in the drivers seat as he grips the wheel so tightly his knuckles go white.

"SeungMin's anxiety with driving means he won't speed down the dirt roads—which is a benefit for you. If I were to put JiSung or HyunJin in his place—we probably would've hit a tree or something. Instead—I stuck them in the back to keep watch, but from what I've just been informed, HyunJin is not keeping watch." MinHo turns toward the back window and tugs it open. He reaches out and flicks HyunJin in the back of the head.

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