Chapter One

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Special Commission

It's been a few months since Venti's departure, of course, I missed him a lot, but I tried my best to live my life to the fullest. I imagine that is what he would want for me. I had gotten used to the powers my vision held. Much like Venti, I could create small wind currents, enough to bring myself afloat, but not for as long or as far as he was able to.

Running low on mora, I decided to get out of bed. I needed to complete some more commissions at the adventurers guild. I mostly did them on my own, but sometimes I'd accompany Bennett and Fishcl on some of theirs.

Once I arrived in Mondstatd, Katheryne immediately called me over, saying she had something for me.

"You have a special commission for you!" Katheryne said, excitement present in her usually monotone voice.

"What would it be, Katheryne?" I asked.

"I wasn't given any details, just told to give you this envelope" she handed me the brownish paper envelope which read in bold letters: For Y/N. In red lettering as well.

"Am I able to pick up another commission to complete after this one?" Usually, I tackled 3-4 commissions at once, then just returned after I finished to collect my rewards for each one.

"Client said this would take most of your time today, so I cannot give you another commission at this time." Katheryne bowed her head down as a sign of rejecting my request.

"That's alright, thanks anyway" I turned around to leave the city's square.

"Wait, Y/N! You don't have to see me once you're done, client said they were going to pay you once you've finished your tasks"

I shook my head to show that I understood. Upon opening the envelope, a poem fell out, along with a letter.

I shook my head to show that I understood. Upon opening the envelope, a long list of poems fell into my hands, along with a letter. The letter was the first thing I decided to inspect. The handwriting looked oddly familiar, but I could not remember where I'd seen it before.

The letter read:

Dear Y/n,

I have become bored without your presence, I dislike this life without your essence. I have a little game prepared for you, I hope you will keep to this path and find what is true. Once you have completed this journey, I hope you will finally return to me. Now don't take this the wrong way, but ever since we lost contact life has seemed awful and grey. Now follow the poems to get your prize, and then you'll finally get to look at me in the eyes.

Sincerely, your client.

I thought to myself that, perhaps I had worked with this client before, perhaps in one of my recent commissions, but it would have had to be with someone when I worked alone. Since this client only asked for my help and not the group. I know not everyone liked working with my group, but not many people complained after our job was done. Also, it was really unlikely for people to place commissions with certain adventurers, so an opportunity like this meant they liked your work ethic a lot.

I put the letter in my pocket, then opened the other page that I had received in my envelope. I did find it odd that the client decided to use a poem as their form of communication, but I don't judge.

Preparing myself for the mind games up ahead, I took a close look at the first poem.

Even with distance, my love feels dangerously close, but silence turns the page.

I reread it, trying my best to understand. The word that stood out to me the most was "page." Pages could be found in books...


Racing to the Favonius head courters, your first objective laid within those walls of books. Upon entering the library, Lisa the librarian, leaned against her desk with her arms crossed.

"I've been waiting for you, Cutie, here take this." She handed me another piece of paper that she held between her fingers. "Your next clue" she winked, then went back to where she stood before, pulling out a book to read this time.

Boring, tedious reports are one big hassle, just order taking

This one was a little harder to make out. But I assumed since we were already in the Favonius building, the client could be referring to Jean's office, since she is the one that deals with all the paperwork, but then again Kaeya does the order taking from Jean.

Anyway, leaving the library I walked across the hall to meet face to face with jean in her office. Only to find that Jean was not there. The room was empty, or so I thought. As I went to exit, a voice spoke up.

"It's quite rude to leave without greeting people you see" That tone of voice was Familiar. It was Kaeya. He sat in one of the chairs off to the side of Jean's office, which is how I did not notice his presence.

"Sorry, Kaeya, I didn't see you there. Perhaps would you have any idea where I could find Jean?" I asked.

"Why do you need Jean?" He cocked his head to the side, crossing his arms in front of his chest and giving me a puzzled look.

"Um, A client has been leaving me these poems, that are clues to different rooms in Mondstadt... I got one from Katheryne and one from Lisa. I'm pretty sure the one Lisa gave me lead here, but I could be wrong." I rambled on, not noticing the piece of paper Kaeya had now placed on the table in front of him.

Kaeya cleared his throat, catching my attention. I went to grab the paper on the table when he put his hand over it.

"Ah, ah, ah not so soon" he smirked.


"If you want this, I need you to do me a favour," Kaeya said.

"A favour? What could you possibly want me to do?" Kaeya never asked me for help, he always bribed Diluc or asked one of the knights to do it for him.

"Well, Sparkling wine is a specialty of Mondstadt, Mix it with three parts dandelion wine and the bitterness disappears instantly. This concoction is known as 'death after noon', I need you to fetch me one from Diluc's Tavern, Angel Share." It was Mid-day which meant Kaeya was on Duty.

"Should you really be drinking on the Job..." I raised my eyebrow at him. Didn't seem like a very responsible thing for the Calvery Captain to indulge in. 

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