"After all we did for you?"

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After around 2 months of staying away from your toxic friend group, who always found a way to make everything your fault. They finally cracked. They didn't like having their little dog running around for them.

It was a Saturday and you were out with a better friend group. You all were having a laugh. But then the laughing stopped. You were attacked. Attacked by the old friend group you used to hang out with. "Hang about, what are you doing?!" One of your new friends ask. "Don't get involved or you get it after" one of your old friends threaten. You stand up "what are they gonna get. Light punches that barely hurt. They feel like a flick love you're not scary" you state. "Stop acting hard. You're a pussy. And a liar" one of your old friends insult you. "Ooo that really hurt. Shut the actual fuck up. All you can do is try and blame things on me, EVERYTHING! Not just the little things, everything. You're such a fucking backstabber, it feels like on my back with it shredded with the amount of times you lot have backstabbed me!" you shout. "You've been brainwashed by these slags" the leader of the toxic group state. "Woah woah, I think the only slags here are you. Didn't you sleep with about 12 boys in one night. One after another, lacy. And you. Rachel, god you're even worse. You stole my lad just because 'you were bored of your lad' actual skank if you ask me. Don't get me started on the rest of yous" your new friend spat back. You didn't know she had it in her. Good for her.

The toxic friend group walk off. You all laugh and walk back to your house. You all hang out for a few hours just laughing about what happened. Other than the fact you were attacked. But everything else was insanely funny.

After everyone left. You head to have dinner with your family and then they go to their rooms. You are left confused when everyone goes to their rooms, but then all your questions are answered. The old friend group are in your house. "For fuck sake, do you not learn?" You ask them. Then your face brightens up. They have a knife, they look at one another confused to see your obvious joy when seeing the knife in their hand. "Whats so funny?" They ask. "Oh you have a small knife. About the size of my pinky. Let's have it then" you say, obviously having a huge rush of adrenaline.

You run at friend group. Laughing while you're running. They all look confused but run at you with the knife. You get the friend with the knife to the ground, You smile at the friend with the knife while disarming them. You get their knife and cut their throat with it. Laughing. They gargle on their blood until it's just. Silence. You're hit from behind.

You get up. Ready to attack the person that hit you. To soon see your whole family behind you. You just laugh. They were on the only 'friends' side. "What that fuck" you say. "Why are you on their side?" You ask. Confused. "Well Y/N, they told us about how you treated them and how you used to emotionally abuse them" Your mother says. Suddenly you burst out laughing "What? You generally believe them? Them bitches." You were seriously outnumbered against everyone. It was clear everyone wanted to fight you.

Your mother looked at you with disappointment after she saw the dead body of you ex best friend. It wasn't all disappointment, it was shock. fear, anger and shame. Her youngest child finally lost it. Your mother came running towards you. You smile, you were glad this was happening, your mother throws a punch but you soon dodge it, sending her tumbling to the ground, she looks back up, frightened of what her youngest child had become. "I'm sorry, mum, bound to happen sooner or later" you said, smiling, she begins sobbing, you weren't falling for it, she was trying to manipulate you, trying to make you feel bad, it wouldn't work. You had enough, enough of everyone's bullshit, you finally cracked, and then, oh the actions you chose. You felt good about it.

Your mother pleaded and pleaded, it just wasn't enough, you wanted to hear her gargle on her own blood. Choking on it. You wanted to watch her eyes go lifeless and watch her die after the torment she put you through. You finally plunged the knife into her flesh while she was laying on the floor. She winced, You laughed. She asks why, you don't reply, you just smile. You keep stabbing her, over and over, until there was nothing but silence, you get up and walk to your room and pick up the gun that was hidden in your mattress, and fire all the shots, killing everyone in the room. You suddenly hear sirens, your neighbours called the police because your window and curtains were open, showing the street what had just happened, you run out of the back just to be cornered by your neighbour, you soon pull the knife out and slit your neighbours throat, leaving them to die in your backyard while you take off. You were out of sight of the police. While you were at it, You took the lives of 9 more people, Enjoying every second of it before finding a nice place to sleep, the woods, hidden from everyone and everything.

It was the next day and you woke up and carried on walking into the next city, buying food and drinks along the way from all the money you stole from home before you left. It was enough to keep you going for a few months until you had to get a job, but you planned on getting further away.

For some odd reason you heard sirens, 'oh they aren't coming for me i'm sure' you think as the sirens get closer, suddenly stopping in front of you and and 2 armed police officers step out screaming at you to get on the floor but when you don't another police officer comes and throws you to the floor. You were cuffed and thrown into the back of the police van. You laughed all the way to the police station. "You caught me" you say, laughing at the officers, you were taken to a holding cell until you awaited trial.


You were now in court, and you had been sentenced to a mental hospital and the judge said "I hope you rot in hell for what you did to them poor people" You smiled and spat back "they fucking deserved it" Staring at the judge with no emotion. "you disgust me" the judge spat back, "well at least someone feels something about me" "i can't wait for you to realise what you've done has had a huge impact on the community, everyone is devastated about the deaths but they are also enraged about what you did" "let them be, when i realise that, it'll be the best day of my life, i made an impact, for better or for worse let's say, couldn't have them bitches running around ruining more people's lives, i won, i won, i won, and no one liked it and to that i say amen. when you come to the understanding that my actions were the only ones i could take, come back to me, i hope them bitches are burning in hell" "we've heard enough from you L/N, guards take them away i'm sick of seeing them"

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