Happy at last

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You had just come out of a rocky relationship with your ex partner. Well, it was pretty much more toxic than rocky. You had thought there was nothing called true love. No one could make you happy, so you decided to stay to with hanging out with friends. You knew your friends would make you happy. Even if relationships couldn't.

You and your friends chose to go to the abandoned house close to the town. As you were going to go in you heard a deep laugh. You and your friends ran. You slipped and cut your fingers. "Oh bloody hell" you said. You hear you friends laugh. Ah yes, true friends. Never going to help you up. Just laugh, you laughed with them because you knew it was funny. You get up after crying with laughter. Until all of you friends stop laughing. You turn around and see someone move their head back into the house.

You all run, and then you finally get back into the town. Thankfully you didn't slip this time. As you get into town. You're approached by a guy. He was around 6'2, he had brown hair, blue eyes, not fat, but not skinny. "Hey, I was wondering. If you wanted to go on a date sometime?" He asked. "Mate listen, I've just ran all the way from the house down the track, I'm sweaty and bleeding as I slipped when I was there, how the fuck did I catch your eye?" You asked "but if you wanna go on a date with me, the clumsy bitch, I'm up for it." You added. He nods and gives you his phone number. You save it into you phone and he asks for yours. You give it him and save the contact as 'clumsy'.

A few hours go by and the guy you met. His name was Nate. He called you, "hey clumsy. I never got your name, just your nickname. What's your name?" He asked. "Oh it's Y/N" you replied. "Alright, do you wanna go on that date now?" He asked. "Sure mate" you answered. "Alright, 7pm at rhinos, clumsy" he says. You smile and end the call, you begin to get ready. "I look awesome!" You say to yourself.

You head to the restaurant and sit down a talk. You eat with him. "Do you wanna come back to my place tonight?" He asks. You nod. He smiles.

You get back to his house and he shows you around, he leads you to the front room and you both choose a movie and you sit down and watch it. He pauses the movie and goes to grab popcorn. Instead of popcorn, he comes back with a knife, "what the fuck?" You say, confused. "Oh you're on a date with a serial killer" he says. "Darling no. You're the one on the date with a serial killer" you say with a stomach turning smile. He looks just as confused as you did when he pulled the knife on you. "Oh, woah. Well if you're a killer too. I'm saying we team up or something i don't know. Form an alliance, not kill each other. If you want of of course" he asks. "Oh yeah sure." This made you happy. "So what does this make us? In a relationship or, just friends" you ask. "I mean in a relationship would the be the nicest possible option so let's go with that" he says with a smile. Happy At Last.

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