"You're Insane"

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You've had a long day and just wanted to go home and get some sleep. But no, that wasn't the case. Instead you boss had messaged you, they had found the target for you. 'Target 219, Ashley Fach, Central Street Apartments, Apartment 29, 2nd floor' you replied to your boss asked what he had done and how he wanted him dead. 'We chose this target for you because he was the one that killed your best friend and got away with it. And you can do it however you please for this one' "what the fuck" you mumbled to yourself.

As you got home and got ready. Your boss had messaged you 'if you're ready, leave now.' You bigged yourself up. Then you left. You began driving to the targets apartment. 'Here' you sent to your boss. 'Okay let's do this thing, give them hell'

You walking into the set of apartments, and walk up to the second floor. Scanning the hall for apartment 29. And then you found it, you pulled your mask down and knocked on the door. He opened the door. And you pushed him in, slamming the door. "You killed my best friend you cunt, now you're gonna pay" you said. With a smile. "Your who? Your best friend, oh yeah, you're Y/N, you were at the trail. You know, the one I was found not guilty of" he says, chuckling. "Oh it's lucky these walls aren't paper thin. Oh and you have padded walls. Lovely!" You say, while scanning the room. "It's good to make sure no one's gonna hear you scream, beg, and cry" he says, with a sickening smile. You don't flinch at the words, you just smile. "Oh is that so? Well I tell you my friend, you're not gonna be so confident when I'm done with you. See I may not have fun while I'm killing my victims, I sure as hell make sure they have a fun time while I'm killing them. Because you know, having fun is always the answer when you're killing someone. Well it's not really gonna be fun for you though, it's going to be so very painful"  you say, returning the sickening smile he gave you. "Oh my god, I'm so scared" he says, in a sarcastic way while laughing. You grit your teeth at this. You slowly walk up to him "you're not going to be laughing after this, and trust me. I'm not funny" you say. While still walking to him. He drops his smile. You laugh at this sight. "You're insane" he says, scared.

He runs to you. Landing a punch. "Oh shit we starting now" you shout. "Yep" he says. You run to him, blade in hand. Stabbing him in his stomach. Then you twist the blade, he whimpers. "Oh that's music to my ears, hearing my friends killer in pain" you say with a smile. Then you take the blade out. And stab him again in the stomach. Then you push him off you, he lands straight on the floor. With a satisfactory thud. "That must've hurt" you mumble. You walk to the kitchen and grab the biggest knife you see. "Jesus fucking Christ, what is this? A machete" you shout. As you walk back to the front room you see him trying to get to the front door. "No no no, no chance mate" you say while running to him,then you lodge the blade into the back of the head, then you flip him over and stab him In the heart and again in the eye. You check his pulse, none. And then you pull your mask and leave the building.

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