A Lady And Her Knight

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Lily P.O.V

Lucy is currently dressing me up all fancy. Why? Because I've been invited to the tea party in celebration of the engagement of the eldest daughter of Count Sapphire. Now that's a mouthful- Anyway, Catarina and Keith are going to the Mary's- er, Marquess Hunt's daughter's tea party. I was invited as well but mom and dad decided I should go to this one instead because Count Sapphire is a part of Rein's faction. From what I know, he has three daughters and 1 son. Apparently the 3rd daughter has a Scar on her right eye because of a failed assassination attempt on the whole family. She was the only one affected an  because of her injury she wears an eyepatch. So she kinda looks like a pirate! Cool~ Oh, Lucy's done.

After saying goodbye to the Duke and Duchess I hopped on the carriage to go to the estate. And damn... That estate is BEAUTIFUL. When I approached the door I was greeted by the sisters. Pirate girl seemed a bit grumpy though. She had sky blue hair tied up in pigtails and was wearing a yellow dress, her eyepatch had a literal Sapphire Ingraved in it, the same shade of blue as her eyes and she was wearing a light yellow dress. After the other two introduced themselves she stepped forward and bowed kinda like a butler, not the normal curtsey young noble girls usually do "I'm Ares Sapphire, 3rd daughter of Count Sapphire, pleased to make your acquaintance." Hah? Ares? Like, the Greek god of war? She does look like the kid version of the fighter girl in an anime who gets overly fan-serviced to the point you can't take her "strong femenist" role seriously- "Likewise, I'm Lily Claes, 2nd daughter of Duke Claes." I said, curtseying she nodded and the eldest daughter led me to the garden where the tea party was being held.

I spent most of my time trying to aquant myself with the children of influenctial nobles. And by try I mean going up to them, squeaking out an introduction, complimenting them and retreating back to the food table. Socialising with all these egotistical kids is harder than I thought... Then I noticed Ares going off somewhere else. Now, I probably shouldn't be nosey, but c'mooooonnn~ Spying on people is like- one of my only sources of entertainment in this stupid era!

So I followed her, but apparently I wasn't doing a very good job at being sneaky because she suddenly huffed, turned around, pointed at me and said "Stop stalking me!" "EEP-" I squeaked and she crossed her arms "Why are you following me?" She questioned raising a brow" I couldn't get out a proper sentence because of the embarrassment of being caught... Then she lifted one side of her skirt revealing... A SWORD STRAPPED TO HER THIGH?! She pulled it out of the sheath and pointed it at me "Why were you following me? Planning to corner me so you and your posse can try and laugh at me?" "W-what?! I DON'T EVEN HAVE ANY FRIENDS! WHY THE FUCK WOULD I WANNA CORNER YOU?!- LISTEN MAN, I WAS JUST CURIOUS OKAY?! I DIDN'T WANNA DIE-" She seemed taken aback by my language for a second then said "Curiousity killed the cat" "WELL I'M NOT A CAT! I'M A HUMAN- SPEAKING OF WHICH, I'M A DUKE'S DAUGHTER AND A PRINCE'S FIANCÉE- YOU CAN'T GET AWAY WITH KILLING ME!"

She suddenly laughed a bit then put her sword back "What the fuck are you laughing about...?" I asked and she shook her head "Nothing, you sound like the crappy comedic relief character in a novel" She said and I wasn't sure whether to be offended or flattered. "So uh- do you normally pull that big ol' sword out when you're annoyed or...?" She shrugged "I just like seeing people's reactions." I wanted to object but honestly, I probably would to, I mean life is sooooo boooooorrrriiinnnnggg without the internet... "Yeah... But what if you got into trouble with say... An influential Duke's daughter?" She raised her brow at that "Are you threatening me?" "No, but it could happen! Most people here would probably be hella pissed..." She nodded "So why were you following me anyway?" She asked and I thought of an excuse "Uuhh... I was... Bored...?" She stared at me blankly "WHAT?! YOU PULLED OUT YOUR SWORD ON ME JUST FOR SHITS AND GIGGLES!" She scratched the back of her head "Eeeehh, then I guess we're even." I gave her a 'seriously?' look.

She shrugged then said "Aaaannyyywaaaayyy, you've got quite the tongue for a 7 year old" "And you've got quite the skills and absurd Ness for an eight year old!" I said, smiling sweetly and she scoffed

"So are you just gonna follow me?" "Yes." "What if I kidnap you?" "I'll stab your eye out with my nail" "Fair enough."

She then turned on her heel and continued walking "Wait, where are we going though?" "The training grounds" "Oh. Wait-shouldn't you be at the tea party?!" She shrugged and said "Why be at a party full of people waiting to pounce on you?" I thought a bit before saying "I don't wanna pounce on you." "Oh god, I'd rather you did than say such cheesy lines" "Wha- HEY! I am not cheesy!" I pouted and she looked back at me with a grimace "Please stop pouting before I shove my sword into your face" "I-"

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