4} candy and soccer

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Once again, the children played soccer in the streets of Munich, Germany. This time, with the smell of smoke in the air. But this was not the smell of ordinary smoke, but the smell of Jewish blood being burned. Ada had no idea what was happening at the neighboring camp Dauchau, but had no interest to find out. The distant sound of marching was not far away, but Ada continued to ignore it, being as naive as she was. A Nazi solider came down the street yelling. "Deaktivieren Sie die StraBe!" He yelled. "Clear the streets!" Ada and her friends moved to the side walk, Peter held the ball under his arm. The marching began to grow louder, and louder, and louder. And suddenly, a big parade of captured Jews came down the street. Ada's stomach turned at the sight of them. "What filth," she thought. Ada looked down at her shoes, figuring they were a better sight than what was ahead of her. The sound of yelling echoed among the entire street, and was followed by the cracking of a whip. She heard one of the children behind her swear, which made her twinge uncomfortably. She hated swearing. She glanced up for a second, and looked back down with a grin. The Jew deserved it. What a treat.

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