Reflected XXV

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Chapter 25: Happer Than Ever

*19 years later*

As she zips up her suitcase and she sets it down on the floor, she looks up at me. Her face contorts into one of saddness, making my eyes tear up.

"Come here baby." I say, opening my arms for her. She quickly rushes into my arms, engulfing me into a warm hug.

"Did you really have to pick the college furthest away?" I ask sadly and she sighs.

"Dad, I want the best college experience. Stanford is one of the best colleges in the world." She says and I close my eyes, resting my cheek on her head.

"I know but it's all of the way in California." I say painfully and she pulls away a little.

"I'll be back for every holiday and I'll visit for spring break and every other chance I get." She says and I nod.

"I know." I say, pulling her back into a long hug.

"When is mom coming home?" She asks and pulls away from me. She walks back over to her suitcase and we walk out of her room.

"She should be home at around 3 after she picks up Decklan." I say and she nods. "Here, I'll take it down the stairs." I say, grabbing the suitcase from her and taking it down the stairs. She follows behind me as I walk to the front door, sitting it down and I turn back to her.

"What are we gonna do until then?" She asks and I shrug.

"All of your boxes are already in the car so there isn't really anything else to do." I say and she nods. "I'll cook us some lunch and you pick something to watch." I say and she nods, walking into the living room and sits down on the couch. She starts going through Netflix to find something to watch. I start cooking her favorite which just so happens to be breakfast food. When it's done, I get her a glass of orange juice and I take her her plate. I sit down next to her on the couch and had her the plate and orange juice.

"Thank you." She says and I nod.

"What did you find to watch?" I ask and look at the telly.

"I was thinking about Greys Anatomy but I was also thinking about The Vampire Diaries." She says and I nod.

"Greys sounds good." I say and she nods. She clicks on the 9th season where we left off and we watch it silently. After a few episodes, Jo walks in with Decklan and he runs to me when he sees me. I stand up and get down on one knee for him to hug me.

"Daddy!" He yells happily and I chuckle at his little british accent.

"Hey buddy." I say and he wraps his tiny arms around my neck. I pick him up and walk over to Jo.

"Hi baby." I say, leaning down and kissing her lips softly.

"Ewww." Decklan says in disgust and I chuckle.

"How was work?" I ask and she sighs.

"Tiring. I just want to go to sleep." She says and I chuckle.

"Well all of her stuff is packed and in her car. The only thing left to do is put her suitcase in there." I say and she nods. She walks over to Scarlett who is still sitting down watching Greys Anatomy.

"Hi mama." Scarlett says looking up at Jo.

"Hey sweety. When is your flight?" She asks and sits down next to Scarlett.

"At 5." Scarlett answers and I look down at Decklan in my arms.

"You hungry bubba?" I ask and he nods. We walk over to the left over breakfast that I cooked Scarlett and I make him a small plate, warming it up for him. I walk over to the fridge, grabbing the milk and pouring it into his small cup. I take him the milk when the microwave beeps. I walk over to it, grabbing the food and then a fork. I take it over to him and he instanlty starts eating. I look over at Scarlett and Jo. They are hugging and I can tell that they are crying.

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