Reflected I

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Chapter 1: Memories


I swipe my make-up brush against my neck, covering all of the marks from last night. I coat the brush in more power, swiping it under and around my left eye.

As I finish covering up all of the bruises, memories of last night flood into my mind, making me shiver in fear.

"I'm sorry baby, I'm not really in the mood. I had a lond day." I say as I tuck myself into bed.

"Come on Josie, you'll like what I have to offer." He says with a smirk on his face. His hand starts playing with the waistband of my shorts. I softly push his hand away and roll over onto my side.

"I'm really tired babe." I say and close my eyes but they suddenly fly open when I am jerked back around and forced to face him. His hand moves up to my neck and he tightly holds it, causing me to gasp for air.

"I've waited long enough Josie. Now you're going to take me like a good girl." He hisses in my ear, causing me to whimper.

"Wyatt, y-you're hurting me." I choke out but he doesn't stop. He starts sliding his shorts off with his other hand. I try so desperately to push him off of me but he just pushes my hands off of him. I push at his face but he grabs my hand, throws it down and punches me in my left eye.

My head turns, and tears pour out of my eyes. It isn't just from the pain coming from the left side of my face but mostly from the realization that this is happening to me once again.

Hero would never do this to me.


Images of his beautiful smile and eyes flood into my mind as Wyatt pushes into me harshly.

Just think of Hero. Imagine Hero instead of Wyatt. I can't though. Wyatt makes me feel nothing like Hero did. Hero made me feel beautiful and wanted. Wyatt just makes me feel like nothing.

I wish I could just see him one more time. I miss him so much. 2 years is to long to be away from him... the man I truly love. I should've never left. I would he happy and I wouldn't be in this situation... again.

Wyatt's hand gets tighter around my neck, making it impossible to breathe.

"I can't... breathe." I let out be he doesn't let up. The last thing I remember before I blacked out was Hero.'

I shudder again and take a deep breath. I peek out of the bathroom door, seeing Wyatt soundly asleep. I walk slowly out of the apartment, careful not to wake him. I walk down the streets of New York on my way to work.

I finally started my own publishing firm. It's Fiennes Publishing. I would've named it Langford's Publishing but Hero never changed the name like I thought he would. I found out that he's expanding across Seattle and is starting a firm in New York.

But I guess it's a good thing. I still have a few pieces of him here with me. I have my publishing firm and I still have the promise ring he gave me. It may seem odd but it still brings me comfort just like it did when I left for those six months.

Maybe if I move back to Seattle, he'll forgive me all of those years ago.

That wouldn't be fair. Yes, he told me that if I left I couldn't come back and he basically drove me away but I still chose to leave... again.

I don't know what's wrong with me. I don't know why I keep choosing to leave the person I love the most in this world. And I have no fucking clue why I would get with another man when I clearly know I still love Hero. I'll always love Hero but it's like Wyatt was irresitable. Just like Hero was.

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