Reflected IX

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Reflected- Chapter 9: Take On The World


Hero and I lay in bed, tired as hell and almost asleep. We went for two rounds in the shower and then almost went for another when we got out. I think that the second time was the best sex that we've ever had, except for when we went to Nolan's club and I got drunk and horny. The second time was like when he fucked me against the wall that night. Only this time it was against the glass in the shower.

My legs were wrapped around his waist as he fucked me so slowly that I almost couldn't stand it. Then when he finished, he slammed into me harshly and stayed there. He was so fucking deep inside of me and I almost went insane. The third time was just quick and then we finished our shower.

The thoughts of that shower has me wide awake and wanting more even though I'm sore. Hero's soft snores fill my ears and I look at him. His hair is going ever whick way and his mouth is slightly open. His shirtless body is distracting me from his face. The way the muscles in his torso contracts every time he breathes. And the way his arm is above his head, showing off his biceps.

I need to calm the hell down. I've already worn him out and I can't be needy for more of him. I push the duvet off of my body and go into the kitchen. I grab a glass and fill it up with water. I take large gulps and when I finish it, I set it on the counter. When I turn around I smash into a hard chest and I gasp loudly. I look up and find Hero staring down at me with a smirk on his face.

"Fuck Hero. You scared me." I say and he smiles at me.

"Sorry love." He says and reaches behind me, grabbing the glass and filling up with more water. He drinks it all in one breath and when he's done, he licks his lips. Him doing that doesn't help me trying to get rid of the want I have for him. I stare at his lips for longer than I should because a small smirk creeps onto his face. He grabs onto my hips and lifts me effortlessly onto the counter behind me. He moves in between my legs, his face inches away from mine.

"You're still turned on aren't you." He says and I bite my lip, nodding. It surprises me because he doesn't say anything about me nodding.

"I tried not to wake you up because I know you're tired." I say and he nods.

"That I am." He says and I run a hand through his messy hair. His eyes flutter closed and he leans down, putting his head on my chest. I take my hand out of his hair and massage his shoulders with both of my hands. He groans lowly so I keep doing it.

"God that feels good." He says softly and I chuckle. "Don't stop." He says and my mind wanders off back to the shower when I was sucking his dick. He kept repeating the words over and over again. His words keep replaying in my mind but Hero breaks me out of my thoughts.

"Josephine, I said don't stop." He says and I snap my head to his.

"Sorry." I say and start massaging his shoulders again.

"What were you thinking about?" He asks and I shake my head.

"Nothing." I say and he raises a brow at me.

"You're lying Josephine. I don't like you lying to me." He says and I sigh.

"I was thinking about the shower." I say and keep massaging his shoulders. His head is purked up now, looking at my face.

"Which part?" He asks and I cock a brow at him, telling him that I don't want to talk about it. He gives me a stern look making me sigh again.

"Fine. When I was sucking your dick." I say and he gasps. "You said don't stop when I was massaging your shoulders and it took me back to when you said it in the shower." I say and he looks deeply at my face. I don't pay any attention to his movements so when I feel his hand pull back my panties and slip his hand in them, I gasp. His finger rubs against the wetness and he hums.

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