•[• Tsukasa Yugi : I challenge you to a duel ! •]•

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I'll be honest. I'm just debating if I'll write another Yandere au, since well, it's starting to get a bit uncomfortable. Oh please forgive me if I made slight adjustments to your request darling, I'll try to mix it up a bit of Yandere-ish au.

•[• Genre : Possessiveness•]•

•[• Requested by : Elias_Asteria]•

[ Warnings : Possessive and Obsessive  behavior, slight gore ]


" Oh.. "

It wasn't an everyday occurrence to see a ghost angry, especially when it comes to a ghost that could end your life in seconds. Tsukasa had to endure it, endure the anger that bubbled at the surface. Another being just had to come to you and hold your hand, talking endless nonsense while you, oh he's precious darling had to endure and smile sheepishly at the person.

How he wish to grab you then and there. But of course not, you're merely doing your job as the ghost that haunts the school's nurse office.

It was so unlikely that a person could be able to see you but some other students could and as some stories go. A student in particular had to come and summon you, in doing so, revealed your where about.

Which leads to this miscalculated conversation.

" Wow ! I can't believe that you're a ghost. Tell me, what's it like ?! Do you just float around the school ? "

They could only smile at the student. Slightly overwhelmed by the sudden questions.

" Ah. I think it's time for you to go now, bye-bye my little butterfly."

Watching as the young boy ran away, their movements stop when a swirl wind of purple mist came. Feeling the arms around their figure, an exhausted sigh came out of their lips.

" Tsukasa..." The ghost hum and twirl a strand of their hair. Still not phase by the occurrence what happened between them and the student.

" Should I cut take out his heart."

" No. Take out his arms."

This made the ghost seemingly pleased. After all, it wasn't an every day thing for someone to understand his sadistic nature or some would say. A small moment of silence.

That's all the two needed. Just silence. How come a situation such as this would be resolve easily with no trust and a meaningful silence ? 

How would the world be without his darling by his side ? 

Would he carve out the hearts of many souls just to have them ? 

Would he have done everything he could to let the world know how much he loves them. 

And yet, this silence made him swoon over them over and over. Countless times has this happen to him, countless times he had said those words to them that made their heart flutter with ease. 

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