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There was a moment of heavy silence, bothered and worried looks behind you. With your back turned to them, you couldn't really see Jungkook's caught-in-the-headlights expression nor Namjoon's jaw tick, you could only hear the quietness stretch for an uncomfortable amount of time before you decided to intervene.

"Jungkook's helping me unzip my dress" you explained, shifting your stance awkwardly "I'm having a hard time reaching the zipper."

"Right..." Namjoon said slowly, almost as if he didn't believe you, making Jungkook roll his eyes at his hyung's distrust. As if something else could've been happening, he thought, with your door all the way open and Jungkook's smooth like sandpaper flirting techniques. "Well" Namjoon continued "JK I know you have an early class tomorrow so don't let us keep you up. I can help Y/N so you can head straight to bed" he made a shooing motion with his hands "Chop, chop, don't let us get in the way of your education."

Jungkook did not step away, nor did he remove his hands from the back of your dress - if anything, he gripped it tighter, the silky fabric stretching around your torso "I appreciate your concern, hyung" he answered, not sounding appreciative at all "but you must have gotten my schedule confused, cause I don't have morning classes tomorrow."

Oh, he absolutely did have classes, very early morning ones, with professor Denise or, as he called, Demonise, the minion of the antichrist. Demonise made sure to test the limits of how much one could torture depressed college students in an hour and a half and would surely give him hell for missing a lecture, but to catch a glimpse of your back tattoos Jungkook would happily sit with his professor for a long winded discussion on even the most controversial of topics, such as Team Edward or Team Jacob.

Unfortunately for him, it seemed like Namjoon was willing to sacrifice just as much.

"Still" he insisted, hand reaching over and covering Jungkook's, both now grasping hard the delicate clasp of your dress.

Now, usually you would not mind two very handsome men fighting over you, but in those particular circumstances you were getting a bit concerned, surrounded by your very large friends that traversed through life with seemingly little to no awareness of their own strength and you could feel the effects of that obliviousness in the straining of the fragile metal on your back as it was pulled in different directions.

"Maybe I could do this myself..." you tried telling them, in hopes of savaging the situation, but your words were interrupted by the distinct sound of fabric ripping followed by the slacking of your dress, making you quickly raise your hands to stop it from falling and leaving you topless.

All the people in the room at that moment wished that they could've handled the situation better than they did. Namjoon wished they could have reacted fast, apologizing profusely and offering to pay for a new dress, maybe even rushing to hand you your robe to help you cover yourself.

Instead, both of them found themselves unable to move, gaze locked on the soft skin of your back, traveling up and down your spine, taking in the freckles and the complicated constellation design inked into it, covering all the way from your shoulder blades down to your lower back, disappearing under the lacy band of your underwear that despite only barely peeking from where you dress stuck to your hips like a skirt, managed to capture a large portion of their attention, setting permanent residence in their frail brain and then proceeded to wreak havoc with a multitude of colorful scenarios that would later present themselves in the most inconvenient of moments.

You, on the other hand, wished you could've kept you cool and calmly told them to leave. What you did instead was let out an exaggerated,  unnecessary, blood curling screech that scared the boys out of their stupor and brought the other five running to your door, Jin armed with a frying pan.

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