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Going out with the maknaes was quite the experience.

They were loud and easily excitable. Everything made their eyes light up as if they had just been handed the entire world. Seeing a dog on the street was a whole thing, bringing Taehyung to the verge of tears as Jungkook tried to pick up even the heaviest golden retriever.

Not only that but they seemed to know everyone. Sure, they lived in a common student area so most people they probably knew from classes but still!  You could not imagine people being this sociable, as you knew the name of only six people from your old sixty-people class in Brazil.

As you were stopped by the what seemed to be upteenth time, you started noticing that your spider senses were absolutely right since the beginning. Every girl in the neighborhood (and quite a few boys as well) seemed to know those three and have a physical need to stop and flirt, Jimin and Taehyung seeming to be a focal point to those romantic advances. Sure, Jungkook received just as much attention, but where he was quiet and shy the other two were encouraging and seemed to bask in all the praise.

So that two block walk to the store? Took about half an hour, several apologies to a very confused corgi owner and you having to physically peel a girl off of Jimin.

"Are you already jealous, noona?" He teased as you sent the girl away while she gave you the stink eye.

"You have to be more specific, dude. Am I jealous of what? Chris Hemsworth's wife? People who can put their feet behind their head?"

"Jealous of our admirers, of course."

"Can they put their feet behind their heads?"


"Then no."

That made Jungkook crack a tiny smile, laughing quietly as Taehyung walked backwards ahead of you, arms crossed behind his back.

"Maybe you want some attention as well?" the older boy asked, tipping his head sideways and having the audacity to look innocent.

"I'm not Tinker Bell, I can live without it"

By then you had finally reached the store and you were very glad to go in and completely ignore the boys' existence. As you walked through the narrow aisles, hands lightly touching shelves filled with paint, brushes and sketchbooks you felt yourself slipping to the smallest corner of your mind, the one where no one else existed and no sound could be heard. You couldn't be bothered to acknowledge anyone else when you went to the place in your heart where you found all your inspiration, so when the Jimin called you didn't hear, too busy eyeing different pastels and imagining what you could create from it.

"I think we lost her already." He said, watching as you held two different sketchbooks, comparing them with a frown and completely unaware that they were still there.

Jungkook snorted "I don't think you ever had her".

"Maybe for the first five minutes" Taehyung offered, not raising his eyes from the puppy themed coloring book he was admiring "I think she kind of gave up after Jimin tried to steal the corgi."

"He wanted to come with me! I will not apologize for that!"

"We're not having this argument again!"

Jungkook started to tune off his friends, already used to their antics and being a pro at pretending not to listen. He walked around the store, nodding respectfully at the old lady behind the counter as he inspected the products. He wasn't much of a painter himself, although he did appreciate and admire those who were. You, he guessed, were probably a very talented artist. On your way there, you had already told that you were an Art and Design student and you had some experience in digital illustration. Surprisingly, you talked about your studies in a much quieter manner than you did about other subjects, such as you strong opinions on Jimin's dog stealing tendencies. Jungkook often found that people were very open and excited about the things they were talented at, but you seemed to think your art was a very personal topic and your studies an intimate experience.

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