Mutants vs pj-dorah

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Pj-dorah: *roar*

Romeo: be quiet pj pests! Attack!

Mutants: right!

The mutants started fighting pj-dorah.

An Yu: um... do you need help?

Luna girl: nope, we're good. As she shot it with her Luna-magnet.

An Yu: very well. As she went to free the turtles.

Baxter: not so fast!

Munki-gu: monkey on fly! As he jumped on baxter.

An Yu: the retro mutagen! As she went to the tank and grabbed the retro mutagen.

Howler: and here I thought you pj rodents couldn't get any uglier!

Kevin: I hate to say this, but I agree.

Orticia: taste plant venom! As she tried to bite pj-dorah but it flew up.

Luna girl: and it flies!

Pj-dorah swoops down and grabs Romeo and orticia.

Romeo: put me down you abomination!

Orticia: let me go you brainless turd!

Romeo: where did you get that language?!

The wolfies howl at pj-dorah and drops Romeo and orticia.

Romeo leaps from wall and grabs orticia and sinks his claw into floor stopping them.

Orticia: I wish I became I dinosaur.

Romeo: I love being a troodon!

Luna girl: that's great you two! A little help would be nice! As she shoot pj-dorah.

An Yu: that's it guys. Keep it busy. As she started to pour the retro mutagen inside the tank.

Baxter: would you get off me?! As he pulled munki-gu off his face.

Orticia: come to Spider-Plant. As she webbed baxter again.

Baxter: release me!

Orticia: you know, this mutation of mine made me, hungry. As she bit one of Baxter's arm off.

Baxter: stop it!

Orticia: but I'm still hungry!

Pj-dorah swoops down and bites orticia with its snake hand.

Orticia: ouchie!

Howler: corner it! As he went on the left.

Rip: got it! As she went on the right.

Kevin: consider it done! As he went front.

Romeo: your not getting away this time! As he went behind.

Luna girl: got you now! As she went above.

An Yu: well done guys! As she was stirring the mutagen with the retro mutagen with her staff.

Pj-dorah sees An Yu and breaks free to stop her.

An Yu: uh oh.

Orticia: oh no you don't! As she bit pj-dorah with both her snake arms.

An Yu: it's ready. Guys! Get to the floor! As the mutants grabbed pj-dorah and went to the floor.

Leo: break that tank!

Raph: do it!

Mikey: make it look cool!

An Yu: you want cool? I'll give you cool! BOOYAKASHA!!! As she broke the tank of retro mutagen and it splashed on all the mutants.

Leo: did she just say booyakasha?

Mikey: SHE SAID ONE OF OUR CATCHPHRASES!!! As he was energised.

Raph: *slapped mikey* calm down dingus.

Mikey: hey!

The mutants and pj-dorah became themselves again.

Romeo: I'm my handsome self again!

Luna girl: I actually didn't like being something that made me think about motsuki anyway.

Kevin: good to be human again.

Howler and rip: can't argue there.

Orticia: yay! No more Spider-Plant!

Catboy: we're back to normal!

Owlette: yay!

Gekko: I hated every moment of that!

An Yu: welcome back my friends.

Owlette: thanks for saving us An Yu.

An Yu: you are very welcome.

Munki-gu: and munki-gu free turtles! As he open the cage freeing the turtles.

Leo: thanks for the save. But... as he pointed to Donnie who was still unconscious.

Orticia: oops. Let me help. As she went to Donatello and healed him.

Donnie: woah! I feel better now.

Catboy: since when did you have healing powers?

Orticia: two days ago.

An Yu: wait... where's the shredder and night ninja?

Catboy: the warthog and rhino left too.

Romeo: there gone to mystery mountain.

An Yu: THE MOUNTAIN! We have to go back now!

Leo: everyone, come with us!

Raph: you will get revenge on the shredder!

All: let's do it!

An Yu: let's kick shell!


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