Shoutout to bossbot320(short)

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Leo: hey guys, I know we don't do this. But this is for the reason this fanfic exists bossbot320

Donnie: it wouldn't have never happen without him.

Raph: a cool guy.

Mikey: an awesome dude.

Leo: and if your watching boss, Ryan says you and katiamel are the best wattpad users.

Donnie: and he had some ideas for you.

Leo: that's right, the first one is a story where gekko and octobella team up to stop the lizard from Andrew Garfield Spider-Man, he had this before your crossover with us came along.

Leo: that's right, the first one is a story where gekko and octobella team up to stop the lizard from Andrew Garfield Spider-Man, he had this before your crossover with us came along

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Leo: I think it'll be pretty cool to see them work together.

Donnie: the lizard is pretty smart, they might have to be nice to each other to win.

Raph: he's not that strong for me.

Mikey: scary yo.

Leo: he just had another idea with octobella and us.

Leo: that would be the turtle's shell

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Leo: that would be the turtle's shell.

Donnie: we'll beat her easily.

Raph: ready to kick some octo-butt!

Mikey: booyakasa my dude!

Leo: he also had the idea that you would make the plants vs zombies crossover when he didn't have an account yet.

Donnie: we don't have a picture for that one.

Raph: that sucks.

Mikey: orticia replaced night ninja as his favourite character btw.

Leo: that's all for now. What do you guys think of these ideas?

Donnie: make sure to fallow this account and bossbot320

Raph: and stay tuned for more.

Mikey: until next time.

Turtles: bye!

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