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          "Please be careful," Travis called up the tree, biting his lip anxiously as he watched his blue haired crush climb it. "I'll be fiiiiine, I do this all the time!" Sal explained, reaching up and grabbing hold of a sturdy branch. "Besides, who better than me to save the day. Right?" He asked as he pulled himself up, growing closer to their kite that had got caught in the branches above. "Jesus Christ, Sal– chill out," Travis demanded as he took a couple steps closer, prepared to try and catch Sal if he had slipped. Sal mock gasped, looking down at Travis. "Travis Phelps," he said in a playful tone. "Using the lord's name on vain? What would your father think?"
          "He'd think I went on a date with the most stupidest boy on the planet," Travis responded, earning a snicker as Sal's response. "Having a cat like, taught me it's ways man," Sal spoke, inching closer to the plastic toy. "It's like Gizmo made me catch his instincts. Just think about it, I even like milk on its own now." Travis couldn't help but laugh slightly at Sal's joke, smile forming on Sal's hidden face. He finally was close enough to grab Travis's vibrant blue kite, giving it a couple tugs before it managed to come loose. He then looked over at Travis, tossing the sheet of plastic towards him. Travis, whom was holding the spool of string, pulled on the white thread to bring the kite over as Sal made his way down the tree. He got an idea as he stood on a branch that was just above Travis, grinning slightly as he sat down on it.
          Travis jumped as Sal had leaned back, his light blue locks swaying as he hung upside down on the branch. "Do I get a thank you gift for saving the day?" He asked cheekily, Travis blushing faintly. Even though he was catching onto Sal's drift, he put on a smirk. "Like what?" He asked teasinglyly, rolling the string around the spool. "...c'mon, I even did the Spider–Man thing," Sal spoke, earning a giggle from Travis. The blonde leaned forward, pecking Sal's mask om the forehead with a "Mmmwah." Sal clicked his tongue. "Traviiiiiis," he whined, Travis snickering. Travis then set his kite down, reaching his hands behind Sal's head, locking eyes with him. "You look really pretty," a complimented as Travis unbuckled Sal's mask with a bit of difficulty, his cheeks turning a darker shade of pink as he pulled the mask away. "Shut up," Travis said, flustered as he saw Sal's loving smile. "Make me," Sal responded cockily, his smile shifting into a grin. Travis narrowed his eyes before standing on the tips of his toes to reach, closing his eyes as he connected his lips with Sal's. Sal's eyes also shut, gentle smile being on his face as the two finally shared their first kiss. Travis pulled away, locking eyes with Sal's again.
          "Mmmmmm, I dunno," Sal started as his grin came back. "I'm able to talk again."
          "Oh shut your mouth," Travis said as he pressed Sal's mask up against Sal's face, Sal laughing slightly as he grabbed it before sitting up. Travis then picked his kite back up, fastening the string to the spool to make sure it wouldn't unravel. Sal held onto his mask, hopping off of the tree branch and landing on his feet.

          "I had a really great time," Travis said as the two stood just outside of Addison Appartments, Sal looking up at him. He smiled at Travis, nodding slightly as he responded with "So did I." Travis bit his lip, shuffling slightly. He hesitated before cupping Sal's cheek, leaning in. Sal also leaned in, closing the gap between them. He gently gripped the front of Travis's shirt, pulling him a bit closer. Travis felt like he was floating, almost beginning to regret the fact he pulled away. Their eyes locked, faces dusted pink. Sal then glanced over to the entrance, Travis taking note of how he tensed. He looked, blush darkening as his eyes landed on Larry and Ashley. The nosy fucks were hiding behind the wall, peeking their heads out the glass door as they watched. Ashley was the first to notice they had been spotted, quickly grabbing the back of Larry's shirt and yanking him back with her.
          "Fuckin' morons...," Sal muttered, Travis gigging slightly. "Uhm," Travis started, the two looking at each other. "See you at school?" He asked, Sal smiling as he nodded. "Yeah," Sal responded. The two shared goodbyes before Sal turned on his feet, making his way over to the door. Travis bit his lip. "Sal!" He called, causing the shorter male to look over his shoulder. He turned to the male, whom had been gripping his kite and fumbling with it slightly. He took a deep breath, blinking. "I–I love you," he said, calmer than he had expected. Sal blinked, dorky smile forming on his face. "I love you too," he responded, Travis feeling as his heart skipped a beat at those words. Sal began walking backwards, spreading his arms. "I love you thiiiiiissss mu– shIt," he cursed, having tripped over his foot. He stumbled before catching himself, holding his arms out to balance. Travis couldn't help but laugh at this, Sal looking at him as he, too, began to laugh. "I did that intentionally!" He said as he finally reached the door, still looking back at Travis. Travis giggled, wiping the tears of laughter that formed in his eyes as he watched Sal walk inside.
          Sal took a couple steps to make sure he wasn't in view of Travis before fistbumping the air, wide grin being on his pink face as he hopped slightly out of happiness. His dorky smile never faded as he made his way over to the mailboxes, fumbling with his keys to find the one for theirs. He then blinked, slowly looking over his shoulder. Larry and Ashley, whom he had forgotten about, were staring at him with excited expressions on their faces. Larry had his hands intertwined, biting the knuckle of his index finger as a grin was plastered on his face. Ashley jumped slightly in place, matching grin being on her pink lips. Sal's face slowly turned bright red as he quickly turned his attention back to the mailboxes. "Sally's got a boooyfriend, Sally's got a boooyfriend!!" Ashley chanted excitedly, making her way over to her short friend. Sal let out quiet grumbles as he finally opened his mailbox, grabbing the mail before slamming it shut. He was beyond flustered.
          "Sally and Traaaavis, sittin' in a tree–"
          "Oh my gOd," Sal cut Larry off, holding up his mask to try and hide his beat red face. The two let out laughs at their friend's reaction, their teasing continuing as they made their way to the elevator.

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